Sipapu Summer Slam

PDGA logoSat-Sun, June 15-16, 2019 at Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort in Vadito, New Mexico
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Sipapu Summer Slam graphic


Assistant TDRocky Donnell
Tournament DirectorJason Weldon
Assistant TDJoJo Baca

About this tournament

PDGA C-Tier Event

Sipapu Ski and Summer Resort

Guaranteed $500 Skins match for top 4 pro scores and top advanced score

Amateur payout will be in voucher form to Sipapu's store. Vouchers can be used on anything in the store EXCEPT for alcohol and tobacco. Sipapu carries a full selection of discs, fishing supplies, camping supplies, and apparel.


More than 14 days away from the event=100% refund

7-13 days away from the event=50% refund

Less than 7 days from the event=will receive merchandice in the amount of the entry fee minus a $5 shipping fee

Refund policy

Elite Brothers Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
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