Matthew Strathmann Sep 10, 2022I got your email I believe, I will confirm it's you and send your package to you. Live in Madison?
matt swenson
Hey Matt this is Matt swenson. I wasn’t able to make it out to the tournament today.I Was wondering if i could request a refund for the entry fee still. Or have the plastic shipped to my adress. Let me know Sep 10, 2022
Matthew Strathmann Sep 10, 2022Hey! I sent a private message on here. I'd be happy to help!
Elliot C
Will this be to the “standard” Reds for 18, or if there are any Silver baskets in, are we playing those? Sep 6, 2022
Elliot C Sep 6, 2022Also, will this be the Front or Back 18?
Sorry for taking this long to reply! We will be playing to the shorter basket placements, or the red ...
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Sorry for taking this long to reply! We will be playing to the shorter basket placements, or the reds where available. The current plan is to play the original 20 layout as this removes a lot of the extreme elevation and some difficulty. Looking to play 1-6, 9, 12-14, 19-24, 33-36.