Austin W Dunn
I don't see my name on the MA2 I still plan on showing up it said I signed up but I don't have a PayPal and don't know if it showed up on your end Jun 17, 2023
Mike Giessuebel
Dakota, unfortunately I have to withdraw, I do not want a refund, can I get my player pack from Sunday at leagues? Jun 16, 2023
Dakota Turner Jun 15, 2023if you would be ok playing MA3 that would be great. i have also spoken with the other junior's parent and will be moving him as well. i will still have you on the same card however.
Zion Summers Jun 15, 2023MA3 is 100% fine thanks for everything you do!
Udisc map.
Course notes will be in player email Jun 14, 2023
Jace Wicks
Curious if there is still a way into this tournament, as I see the registration is closed... but there are still spots available? From CO and would like to partake if possible (ma1) Jun 14, 2023
Dakota Turner Jun 14, 2023I'm sorry, but no. Packs are ordered, payout certificates have been calculated for AM divisions.
Dakota Turner Jun 14, 2023I did just find out that leagues will also be out there on Sunday if you still want to play the course
Dakota Turner Jun 12, 2023No day of sign up for this tournament. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dakota Turner
Course map is updated and on udisc if you'd like to check it out. Keep in mind that the lines to the basket may change based on course mandatories. Mando's on holes 2,7(double), 14(double), 16 (2 singles). Island greens on 4 and 9 Jun 2, 2023
Dakota Turner
Hey everyone. Since this is a PDGA event, only divisions with 3 or more players are going to be considered a division. I will email you personally during the week before to discuss options of which division you would like to move to. If you have any questions my email is [email redacted]. Jun 1, 2023
Dakota Turner
Attention!!!! The Shoot the Breeze 2023 will now be 2 rounds, shotgun start, on Saturday the 17th. I will be updating the schedule ASAP May 21, 2023
Dakota Turner
Shoot the Breeze may be converted to a 1 day event scheduled for Saturday. 2 rounds, shotgun start. I will keep you all posted and correct the schedule once this decision has been made May 12, 2023