Shining Mountain Inaugural Fall Classic 2015

Singles tournament

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hosted by 2Deuces Disc Golf Club


  • Sat
    Nov 14

    7:30am - 8:30am



    Players meeting


    Tee off (Round 1)
    - one hour lunch after first round
    -Round 2 after lunch
    -Awards following Round 2


MPO Mixed Pro Open $55
FPO Women's Pro Open $55
MPM Master $55
FPM Master Women $55
MPG GM $55
FPG GM Women $55
MPS Sr GM $55
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $45
FA1 Women's Am 1 $45
MM1 Adv Master $45
FM1 Adv Master Women $45
MG1 Adv GM $45
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $45

About this tournament

Presented by 2Deuces Disc Golf Club and Throw Colorado!

Inaugural one day, non-sanctioned tournament on the brand new (permanent) Shining Mountain Disc Golf Course located on a golf course in beautiful Woodland Park, CO.

Non-sanctioned event with 2 Rounds of 18 Holes, with golf carts included (use of carts pending snow). Cash prizes for Pro's and Am's! CTP and Ace Pool.

If a division does not have at least 3 players at time of the event, those players may be asked to modify the division in which they are playing.

Ace pool is available as an option. You can pay that day when you check in. All aces will be split. If no one cards an ace, a CTP throw off will be held.

Online registration will close on Thursday, Nov. 12 or when the event reaches its capacity of 72 players. If pre-registration fills the event, a wait-list will be started.
If a player needs to withdraw from the event and would like a refund, they must contact the TD directly one week prior to the event. Contacting the TD less than one week out may result in a partial, if not complete, forfeiture of entry.

T-shirts will be provided if registration is received by November 1. Otherwise, shirts are not guaranteed.

MANDATORY Players' Meeting 8:45 AM and tee off at 9:15 AM with 2nd round following lunch. Awards at the conclusion of the 2nd round.

Food available for purchase (lunch) and full bar open in the Clubhouse (lunch & awards).

If weather makes course unplayable (heavy snowfall or blizzard) TD will cancel event and refunds will be issued. Determined by Shining Mountain Golf Course Management. Refunds will not be issued if tournament play occurs and registrants opt not to play or show up.

Refund policy

2Deuces Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.