Shield Maidens of Borderland - Bay State Queen Women's Event

PDGA logoSunday, July 9, 2023 at Borderland State Park in Easton, Massachusetts
Women C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Shield Maidens of Borderland - Bay State Queen Women's Event graphic

About this tournament

This is a one round C-tier event so pack a lunch and stick around for some fun after!

All FPO divisions - Blue to White
FA1 - Blue to White
Junior and FA4 divisions - Yellow to White
All other Am divisions - White to White

No 2 Meter Rule in Effect
All OB will be Observed- There will be a caddy page that shows all OB
If in doubt, Take A Provisional!

There will be an email sent out before the event detailing the OB and will answer any questions in the short players meeting. We will make use of the PDGA live scoring and written score cards will be available.

There will be CTP prizes for the divisions. Pros will be playing for cash and Ams will be playing for Disc Golf 978 bucks. Ams will also receive a build your own players pack with Disc Golf 978.

Refund policy

Stephanie Barnett is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Refunds will be paid out per the PDGA regulations.
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