Shades of Grey MASTERS ONLY

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Sun, September 21-22, 2019

Hosted by PeaceJames CO


C. Keener Christopher Keener MP50
D. Labor Don Labor MP65
E. Tribelhorn Erik Tribelhorn MA40
S. Straight Stephen Straight MA70


  • Sat
    Sep 21

    9:00am - 12:00pm

    Check-In / Long Drive / Putting Qualifying / Mini Disc Golf at Main Clubhouse

    12:30pm - 12:45pm

    Players Meeting at Whispering Pines Tournament Central

    1:00pm - 4:30pm

    Round 1 Shotgun Start: Whispering Pines Course 18 Holes

    4:30pm - 7:30pm

    Long Drive / Putting Qualifying / Mini Disc Golf at Main Clubhouse

  • Sun
    Sep 22

    8:30am - 10:30am

    Long Drive / Putting Qualifying / Mini Disc Golf at Main Clubhouse

    11:00am - 11:10am

    MANDATORY Players Meeting at Main Clubhouse

    11:30am - 3:30pm

    Round 2 Shotgun Start WITH GOLF CARTS: 18 Holes Beast Course

    3:30pm - 4:00pm

    Putting Competition Finals Behind Main Clubhouse

    4:00pm - 4:30pm

    Award Ceremony at Main Clubhouse


SPON Sponsorship $0
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $105
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $105
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $105
MP65 Mixed Pro 65+ $105
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $95
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $95
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $95
MA70 Mixed Am 70+ $95

About this tournament

Celebrating our more seasoned frisbetarians the Shades of Grey Masters Only PDGA B-Tier singles disc golf tournament is only for masters and above ‘age protected’ divisions, September 21-22, 2019. Playing one round on the Whispering Pines course Saturday and one round with golf carts on the Beast course Sunday. The Shining Mountain golf club will also host a Long Drive, Putting and Mini Disc Golf competitions with a portion of those entry fees going to charity. This will be an easy going fun weekend competing with your peers instead of youngsters half your age.

UPDATE 09-20-19
Just in time for HALF PRICE practice rounds today, the brand new Whispering Pines course map, The Beast course map, Mini Disc Golf course map and the Shining Mountain Area Map are all available for download on the website. I'll have maps, distances and specifics printed Saturday morning.
Whispering Pines is all par 3's with a triple mando on 16, NO OB on hole 13. It's hard enough and there really isn't any distinction of road or not. Other than hole 13 here on WP, all roads/cart paths, greens, bunkers/sand traps and water are OB. A couple holes on the Beast have small ponds.

Entry fees include greens & cart fees for Shining Mountain and one meal on Sunday for all divisions.

Professionals will be paid with PayPal email used on registration.
Old school amateur payouts in merchandise with smaller players pack.
Divisions were consolidated 09-06-19.

LONG DRIVE COMPETITION: Half of entry fee goes to charity, other half goes to payout. Open to all registered players only with separate Pro and Am pools. On the driving range each player throws 5 of their best drives plus 1 throw with the Mini Driver, counting only the farthest drive plus the Mini Drive distance using their phone camera to record/prove distance totals. Distance is your farthest drive plus the distance of your Mini Driver throw.

PUTTING COMPETITION: Half of entry fee goes to charity, other half goes to payout. Open to all registered players only. Everyone plays a qualifying round Saturday and the top scores will move on to Putting Final Round Sunday before awards. There will be 2 baskets with 6 stations on each basket. Each player throws their own two putters from each station, recording a make or a miss, for a total of 24 possible points.

MINI GOLF COMPETITION: Half of entry fee goes to charity, other half goes to payout. Open to all registered players and the general public with signed waiver. There will be a mini practice basket to warm up on. On a 9-hole course each player will use only mini discs (no junior discs) and play normally from each tee to each mini basket. Lowest scores are best like regular scoring.

Refund policy

PeaceJames CO is responsible for all refunds/cancelations. We follow all PDGA rules from PDGA Competition Manual 1.03. No refunds given at all within 5 days of event, no questions asked.