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Sertoma Field Doomsday Discs Demolition 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024 at Sertoma Field in Walhalla, South Carolina
Disc golf singles tournament

Sertoma Field Doomsday Discs Demolition 2024 graphic


Tournament DirectorDon Watkins
Assistant Tournament Director Austin Burgess

About this tournament

This is a Doomsday Discs Demolition tournament at Sertoma Field in Walhalla SC. This event will consist of 1 round of 18 holes played entirely with Doomsday Discs.
Player packs will consist of
1. Doomsday Disc Landmine (2, 3, 0, 1) which is a beaded putter in base plastic.
2. Doomsday Discs Scope (4, 4, 0 ,2) which is a slightly over stable mid range approach disc.
3. A landmine dud mini

The player may use any doomsday disc that they own, additional discs can be bought on the website using code "yworstnightmare75" to save 10%. Some personal recommendations are the Area 51, Flat Earth, Blackout, and Wasteland.

Several CTP throughout course. Prizes at end of round. 1 entry free for signing up. May purchase more tickets day of event. Discs, towels, and a basket will be given away.

Optional ACE pool $5

Refund policy

Tree Knockers Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


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