Sekani Saga sponsored by Westside Discs
About this tournament
2 Round, 1 day XC tier ran in collaboration with the Spokane Disc Golf Club and sponsored by Westside Discs and Iron Turtle Disc Golf.
19 Hole Layout on Udisc it is Sekani Saga Am and Sekani Saga Pro
- Pros are all pro divisions and MA1
- Ams are all other divisions.
Hole 7 is 7's Teepad to 8's short basket as a Par 4 for everyone.
Hole 16 for Ams is played from the short teepad.
Player's Packs through Westside Discs.
19 Hole Layout on Udisc it is Sekani Saga Am and Sekani Saga Pro
- Pros are all pro divisions and MA1
- Ams are all other divisions.
Hole 7 is 7's Teepad to 8's short basket as a Par 4 for everyone.
Hole 16 for Ams is played from the short teepad.
Player's Packs through Westside Discs.
Refund policy
Brooke Hughes-Brauner is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.