Sad Dog Discs Flex #38 - White House

PDGA logoSaturday, July 6, 2024 at White House City Park in White House, Tennessee
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Sad Dog Discs Flex #38 - White House graphic

About this tournament

Sad Dog Discs Flex Start @ White House

21-Holes at White House Park in White House, TN!!

Ace pot is at $350!!

All Juniors Divisions 12 & Below will play the "Kids Layout' with Holes 11b, 13b, & 19 added to give 21 Holes

Day-of sign-ups are okay. Pre-registration appreciated but not required.

$25 Entry for all divisions
$1-Course Fund
$2-PDGA Fees
$2=TD Fees

Optional Ace Pot $5
If no ace is hit, the pot will roll over to our next Flex Start event.

Come with your own group or make a card of 3-5 at the park. Groups may start at next available tee time as soon as they have a card.

First group out at 9:00AM. Last group out NO LATER THAN 5:30PM

Payouts will be calculated after all players have finished. Payouts can be used at any of our future events.

There will be no players packs for Ams at this event.

100% of net entry fees will go to payout for all divisions.

Pros paid out cash via PayPal.
Ams paid out via SDD merchandise vouchers.

Refund policy

Sad Dog Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Stone Smith51$63
2Christian Hortert55$37
3Isaiah Morgan56
4Bruce Atkins Jr.58
5Justin Mccain60
1Jody Franklin55$38
2Daniel Owen61$22
3Chris Sutherland67
1Brian Thompson63
1Alx Stewart66$20
1Ryan Neach60$48
2Brendan Anderson65$26
2Brad Stutz65$26
4Luke Wallace66
5Daniel Crawford68
1Kenny Smith61$58
2Kristofer Biggs62$32
2Cornell Wilkinson62$32
4Chris Mandell64$9
4Tony Piantino64$9
6Jeff Stuteville65
7Andy Litwinski66
1Bethel Barrett63$40
2Ken Harrison79
1Sam Barfield70$20
1Braden Hammond58$36
2Jalen Rogers61$24
3Tony Alvarez64
1Isaac Smith56$48
2John Cone61$32
3Brian Wilson65
4Rocky LeBlanc67
1Cody Russell72$45
2Camden Crawford75$33
3Christon Pena76$22
4Andrew Lehman106
5Donald Oliphant108
1Alejandra Sutherland89$20
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