2021 Chuck A Bye Baby - A SLC Tunnel Runners XC-Tier Event

PDGA logoSaturday, October 2, 2021 at Roots DGC in Salt Lake City, Utah
XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2021 Chuck A Bye Baby - A SLC Tunnel Runners XC-Tier Event graphic


Events CoordinatorJerrod Galloway
Tournament DirectorAlex Covey

About this tournament

This is the final points series event of the seaon for the SLC Tunnel Runners!

It's time to see who slowly and steadily conquered each division this year. Let's name and hoist our new champions above our heads like children in a summer camp movie hoisting that awkward kid that was shy around girls but somehow did something cool at the end of the movie! It's exciting!

Real talk. Thank you all who participated in the points series this year. We had a stellar turnout at each event, and the competition has gotten pretty stiff in the last few years. It will be fun to see how it all shakes out in the end before we begin our hibernation.

Event Details

ATTENTION - You must be a 2021 SLCTR club member (dues paid) in order to play this event. Memberships dues can be paid at registration for this event to be admitted. Per our usual policy, all membership dues paid after Oct 1 will be grandfathered in for the 2022 year. This DOES include memberships paid at registration for this event.

This event will be a single round played at Roots, using a tee-time start. All competitors from a given division will compete in a similar block of time to allow for playoffs. Please note, you will NOT get to choose your card mates or tee time.

Pro players will play for cash and a trophy pin. Amateur divisions will play for a trophy pin only.

Points earned from this event will be used to tabulate the final scores in our points series. Winners of each respective division will receive a sweet prize and be named Club Champion for the year!

Refund policy

SLC Tunnel Runners Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. There will be No Refunds after registration closes.


Roots DGC
Salt Lake City, UT   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/54353
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Josh Whiting4545
2Britain Best4646
3Rusty Denton4747
4Russell Jessop4848
5Jake Gallagher5151
5Nick Lopez5151
7Mike Taylor5858
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Mark Spicer4545
2Brian Hancock4747
3Brandon Gregersen5252
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Curt Myrick5252
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Karl Staber4343
2Casey Howard5151
3Dillon Joe Richter5252
3Jaron Robbins5252
5Anthony Kerns5656
6Jerrod Galloway5757
6Nate Reiner5757
8Preston Reese5858
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Nathan Paxman4747
2Brian Hansen5353
2John Matern5353
2Tyler Beagley5353
5Tom Sharrock5555
6Chris Light5757
6Marvin Atene5757
8Ben Beagley5959
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Will Sinclair5252
2Thomas Kik5252
3Adrian Toledo5555
4John Paulson5858
5Cory Bentley6363
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Tanner Black4848
2Benjamin Lemon5151
2Jarred Neilson5151
4Peter Messina5252
4Scottie Duclos5252
6Andrew Hincks5353
6Todd Hummel5353
8Dylan Schimmel5454
8Shaun Bagley5454
10Bryan Tanner5555
11Vincent Ellsworth5656
12Joseph Guanajuato5757
12Rudy Wolfsfeld5757
12Ryan Ulch5757
15Alan Whiting5959
15Malachi Vazquez5959
17Justin Seeloff6565
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Brayden Lavadie5151
2Alexander Walker5353
2Riley Thurgood5353
4Dan Messina5454
5Josh Longoria5555
5Rob Hansen5555
5Tyler Bodiker5555
8James “Smitty” Smith5757
8Marcus Juarez5757
10Patrick Christensen5959
11J.D. Poulsen6060
12Austin Nielsen6161
12Michael Dougherty6161
14Clinton Prince6565
15Xander Moffatt7171
16Kyle Gowers126126
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Phillip White5757
2Allen Doty6060
2Scott Wiggins6060
4David Aun6262
4Kade Edward Anderson6262
6Jaxon Carroll6363
7David McCullough6464
8Robert Black7373
9Savid Acuna-0
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Charlotte Christensen5252
2Molly Avendano6161
3Kati Chachere6464
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Mary Tanner6868
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Lisa Aun5959
2Rebecca Hardenbrook6161
3Savanna Schimmel6363
4Jamie Hulon6666
5Amanda Kaestner126126
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Haley Glenn7777
2Angie Re8383
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Porter Matern5454
Round 1: Roots DGC - 3 Long Pad, 18 holes, par 54
1Keenan Paxman7979
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