Rumble Royale V
About this tournament
PDGA C-Tier event
Seymour Smith Park - Omaha, NE
check-in 8am-830am
players meeting 845 am
1st round tee 9am
1 hour lunch
2nd round tee approx. 1230pm.
Players pack for all amateurs.
short tees both rounds
optional $3 ace fund - if ace is not hit, it carries over to Oakland? Yup! on October 25th.
$2 from every entry will go towards Spring Fever Fling #32 in April.
after the final event, if any ace fund remains there will be a throw off for half the fund between everyone that had perfect attendance at all 6 fall series events - the other half goes towards SFF #32.
Fall Series Events: Bring it to Blair - Rumble Royale V - Oakland? Yup! - Rakin' in the Fun - Oak Hollow Affair - Horton Hears a Wanahoo
PDGA cancel policy strictly enforced - including $10 fee
Seymour Smith Park - Omaha, NE
check-in 8am-830am
players meeting 845 am
1st round tee 9am
1 hour lunch
2nd round tee approx. 1230pm.
Players pack for all amateurs.
short tees both rounds
optional $3 ace fund - if ace is not hit, it carries over to Oakland? Yup! on October 25th.
$2 from every entry will go towards Spring Fever Fling #32 in April.
after the final event, if any ace fund remains there will be a throw off for half the fund between everyone that had perfect attendance at all 6 fall series events - the other half goes towards SFF #32.
Fall Series Events: Bring it to Blair - Rumble Royale V - Oakland? Yup! - Rakin' in the Fun - Oak Hollow Affair - Horton Hears a Wanahoo
PDGA cancel policy strictly enforced - including $10 fee
Refund policy
PDGA cancel policy strictly enforced including $10 cancel fee.