Roland Flex Start Alternate Shot Doubles Fall 2024

Teams tournament

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hosted by Roland Parks


T. Kellen TheWorm - Tristan & Kellen GEN
F. Noah Frolfers - Nick & Noah MA1
R. Joel RS Disk Golf Team - Emmet & Joel MJ18



Rest Restricted Mixed Am $35 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $35 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $35 / team
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 $20 / team

About this tournament

Welcome to our annual Roland Doubles Tournament. All of the money after payouts from this tournament goes back to the course. Our new courses have come a long ways and we are looking to continue to improve them.

You can signup online or at the event. Sign up/Check in will be at the Bear Creek shelter in Roland.

We are mixing it up, doing this a little different this year. This will be an 18 hole two person alternate shot tournament. We will alternate every throw. One player will tee off, with player two throwing from the disk and continue the rest of the tournament alternating shots. 9 holes will be played at Bear Creek course in Roland and 9 holes will be played at Ericson Park course in Roland.

This will be a Flex Start and you can check in for your round anytime between 9:00AM and 2:00PM. We must have 2 teams (four players) to send out a card. We will help find another team to play with at the event. After your round is complete, turn your scores in at the Bear Creek shelter.

We are running 4 different divisions this year.
MA1 - Mixed Amateur 1 - Any combination of players is allowed.
FA1 - Women's Amateur 1 - Women teams only.
MJ15 - Mixed Junior 15 - Both participants must be 15 and under.
Rest - Restricted Mixed Amateur - One participant must be either a Woman or under 15.

We will be doing payouts and prizes based on the number of participants in each division. We have partnered with Bike World this year and will be awarding Bike World $'s and prizes.

We are also running an ace pool for those interested, $5 for any player that would like to join. Any aces win (or split if there are multiple) the pool in cash. If there are none, we will put the money towards the Roland Disc Golf Parks.

Refund policy

Roland Parks is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.