Roctober Doubles

PDGA XC-tier Doubles

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hosted by Overdrive DG



MPO Mixed Pro Open $80 / team
MPM Master $80 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $70 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $60 / team
MM1 Adv Master $60 / team
MG1 Adv GM $60 / team
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $60 / team
FA2 Women's Am 2 $60 / team
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $50 / team
FA3 Women's Am 3 $50 / team
MJ1 Junior I - Boys $50 / team

About this tournament

We are doing something a little different this year. First off, we will be playing the new layout. Secondly, the 2nd round we will be playing modified best shot. It's the same as regular best shot with the exception that you can not use one person's drive on three consecutive holes. This will add an extra element to the round and may make you have to think a little about which drive you take.

Refund policy

Osky Players Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.