Kyle Harrigan Mar 5We will be playing Hollow and Owls Den: format and other info will be sent out in early April
Tyler R Morgan
Kyle, do you plan on opening more spots or are you guys maxed out? Feb 27
Kyle Harrigan Feb 27With our format we will not be adding more slots: we will be capped out at 180 and for card balance we have one spot available for FA divisions at this time
Eric "ELF" Foesch
When will the cut off date for the wait list? Just want to snag another tourney if I can't get in that weekend. AM50. Played this tourney before. Thanks Feb 26
Kyle Harrigan Feb 26We will work the waitlist until 8pm the night prior. There’s no guarantees any waitlisters will get in, they are all subject to drops which are unpredictable
Eric "ELF" Foesch Feb 26Thanks. Maybe AM50 expand 34? See another guy in front of me yet. I'll hang on list prob till couple weeks prior. No worries
Kyle Harrigan Feb 27The Pool they are in does not allow for any expansion: Pool A is full at 90
Mark Miller
got a friend interested in MA50, can you add more spots for that division please. Feb 11
Hey Goos: not part of the plan for this one at the moment. Trying to look around and mix things up f ...
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Hey Goos: not part of the plan for this one at the moment. Trying to look around and mix things up from some of the usual items. Once we got a player pack situated fully we will get it in the about section.