River City Black Friday Doubles

Doubles tournament

Friday, November 27, 2020

Hosted by River City Disc Golf


A. Houghton Aaron Houghton MPO
J. Houghton Jon Houghton MPO
J. McGuckin Jasonn McGuckin MA1
J. Greene Jon Greene MA1



MPO Mixed Pro Open $20 / player
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $20 / player

About this tournament

Single doubles round at Goyne. All OPEN teams play long positions except 13 and 16. AM division plays all SHORTS! Choose your own partner. 4 to a time slot please! Time slots are in 10 minute increments for social distancing. Please be vigilant of overlapping holes and for safety reasons, please try and choose time slots in proximity to players in your division. Payout will be 60/30/10 for each division.

Refund policy

River City Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.