Riney B is Back! Presented By Nicholasville Parks and Rec

PDGA logoSat-Sun, October 9-10, 2021 at Riney B in Nicholasville, Kentucky
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

Riney B is Back! Presented by Nicholasville Parks and Rec , B-tier
$3000 added Cash to All Pro divisions!!

Top 4 in the Pro Division will play for $450 ($50 a hole)  in a skins final 9 match!! (After the final round on Sunday)

Event Location:
Riney B Park, Nicholasville, KY 40356

Event Date:
October 9th - 10th, 2021
Must have 3 to make a division. If division is not offered please sign up and if 3 people let the Event TD know, one can be opened.

AM player Capped at 60.. if the Open divisions are not full we will open up more AM spots.

This will be a 2 day event!
Free Lunch on Saturday after Round 1. Lunch will be provided by Raising Canes as part of the players pack for ALL players. Which will include a Raising Canes reusable water bottle. All Ams will also receive a Premium Disc.

Event Schedule
Day 1:
8am - 8:45am - Player Check-in 9am - Players Meeting (If Virtual there will be no players Meeting)
9:30am - 1st Round Tee Off
1hr break (Tee time will be assigned after last card is turned in)
Round 2 - Starts 1hr from last card turned in (Eta 1:30pm)

Day 2:
Round 3 - 9am tee off (No players Meeting)
Top 4 in the Pro Division will play for $450 ($50 a hole)  in a skins final 9 match!!

Refund policy

Bang A Chain is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Riney B
Nicholasville, KY   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/49519
1Tyler Horne485250$1,400
2Sam Lee524753$965
3Ben Creger505449$505
3Gabriel McIlrath515151$505
3Dutch Napier525150$505
3Tony Reiss515448$505
7Keith Gallusser505450$290
8Matt Vassil535250$250
9Stephen Incata535549$225
10Joel Bibble525353
10Trevon Crowe505850$100
12Blake Thomas535354
13Kyle Holt525851
14Matthew Kern535455
15Stephen Becker555257
16Mike Blume535558
16Francis Eble575554
16Zane Stafford545458
19Jacob Jackson555859
19Kevin McGregor565660
21Tyler Stewart615862
22Justin Lehkamp65999-
22Scottie Saylor63999-
24Sean Turner999--
1Samuel R Betterman545856$420
2Drew Miller616054$125
2Gordon Waldespuhl556654$125
1Adrian Morales545455$110
2Patrick Belding575257$75
3Bryce Duncan585754$60
4Hayden Daniel556056$45
5Clay Hartness605656$35
6Juan Laffin595856$25
7Ben Bennett585759
8Adam Dwyer585861
9Adam Bonfield7067999
10Dillon Bonner999--
10Noah Gould999--
10Dustin Hanna999--
10Chheany Mok999--
1Warren Foy605859$45
2Phil Harmon616063$10
2Jeff Kaufmann606460$10
4Robert Jordan666665
1Jonathan Mason575659$55
2Matthew Kaufmann595955$55
3Earl Hollon576057$50
4Joshua Kirk585958$45
5Frank Carter565961$40
5James Larsen586058$40
7Travis Anderson596157$35
8Eddy Salinas595862$25
8Bradley Trotter596357$25
8Jessie Wells615761$25
11Josh Stewart596259$15
12David Madill586063
13Randy Blythe606360
14Mason Boore635962
15Samuel Clark656456
16Brady Jahns626263
17Lucas McAvoy616662
18Ryan Lamb6263999
18Wesley Mathews6169999
18Jordan Sargent6769999
18Mark Thornton7067999
22Jarrett Spriggs62999-
23Lance Garner999--
23Micah Leahy999--
1Daniel Fryman626064$55
2Tyler Hawks586662$50
3John Johannides626465$40
4Juan Salas646563$35
5Dylan Roberts666267$25
6Van Cao646769$5
6Zach Daman686765$5
6Buddy Hasty646868$5
9Raymond York706667
10Eric Woloshin716672
11Adam Roberts706971
12Trevor Smith697670
13Clyde Fraze999--
1Angel Tauson999--
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