This tournament has been canceled.

Richmond 100 Benefit sponsored by TrueTimber Arborists

Singles tournament

Friday, November 26, 2021

Hosted by River City DGC


  • Fri
    Nov 26

    7:00am - 5:00pm

    10 hours of daylight to do the 100 holes on 6 courses. Default start time will be 7:00 a.m. if the TDs are creating your card. For those with pre-selected cardmates, you decide.


RAH Blue [rating <970] $100
RAD White [rating <935] $100
RAE Red [rating <900] $100

About this tournament

This is a charity event, raising money to help RVA children in need through SCAN ( You'll play 100 different holes on 6 courses on Black Friday. Can you do it?

TrueTimber is donating $10 per participant to the charity, as well as waiving green fees for this event.

This is an unsanctioned event, meant to be fun. Get sponsored by your friends and relatives, either by getting a full day sponsorship or {FUN ALERT} betting on your stamina by only collecting sponsorship money for each hole played. For example, your ten year old nephew may sponsor you at five cents per hole; if you play all 100, he'll donate $5. If you play only 50, his donation drops to $2.50.

Play for tags, up to you. Side bets, you bet, especially encouraged if they are payable to the charity.

Unplayed holes are scored at par plus 2 (5). Unplayable holes (family picnics, parked cars on UofR 17) are scored at par (3). Always playing short layout if there is an option.

Ecoff 18
TrueTimber 18
Gillies Creek 19 - Add 2B, tee 3 to 2 long basket. For 3, use battlefield tee 3 to 3 basket
Dorey 18 - Shorts
Dunncroft 9 - shorts (1-9)
UofR 18

Refund policy

No refunds for this benefit event. We'll miss you, and your contribution will still be forwarded to SCAN.