Redemption at Lakes Edge

PDGA logoSaturday, April 15, 2023 at Lake's Edge in Reidsville, North Carolina
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Redemption at Lakes Edge graphic

About this tournament

Cheap 1 round event!!! $29 Entry. ($2 RDG fee, $2 PDGA, $5 towards CTP prizes (CTPs on nearly every hole), and $20 to payout), Ace pool is included. IF not hit will be thrown off for! AM payout provided by Redemption Disc Golf. Trophies for winners!!
Must have 3 in a division to be eligible for a trophy.

Refund policy

Redemption Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Lake's Edge
Reidsville, NC   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1Kevin Duke5353
2Lance Brown5454
3Mark R Williams5757
4Tylor Lawrence5858
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1George Alvarez5959$40
2Tyson Harton6464$20
3Bryan Steele6969
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1Jacob Wade6161
1Jason Emburey6161
3Jason Scott6262
4Noah Thomas6767
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1Randy Watson6868$50
2Kevin McClain7070$30
3Pedro Orobio De Jesus7272$20
4Nick Young7575
5Christopher Gwinnett7676
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1Stu Katz6363
2Carles Helmandollar6565
3Dan Nonte7171
4Robert Brown7272
5Posey Brown7474
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1David Wehrenberg6161
2Tim Abernathy7272
3Robert Freeman7777
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1Zac Martin5757
2Nick Brown5959
3Brandon Moore6262
4Austin Morton6464
4Ryan Cook6464
6Taylor Shaw6666
7Daniel Fulcher6868
8Dallas Suitt7171
Round 1: Lake's Edge - RDG Tournament Layout, 18 holes, par 65
1Todd Bouchard6767
2Jacob Donaldson6767
2James Freeman6767
4Darrell Ray6868
4Jay Konter6868
6JC Bentley7272
6James Sloop7272
6Robert Blanks7272
9Ernest Simiele8484
10Eric Ray-0
1Emerson Scott8484
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