Redeemer's Reward
About this tournament
There will be two groups - under 45 years old and 45 plus. This is a points competition. 1 point for par. Two points for hitting chains (second shot), Four points for birdie. Ten points for Ace. No points for bogey. Minus 5 points for double bogey. There will be one round of 27 holes. (No doubles today). The entry fee is $20.00 and one gently used disk (please be gracious). The winners of both age groups will receive nine discs. This will be one of each brand from the Pro Shop. (DGA,Discraft,Innova,Vibram,Prodigy, WestSide,Lattitude 64 ,Dynamic Discs. Millennium). The second and third place finisher of both divisions will split up the used discs offered up. There will be ring of Fire and new for this tournament - "LINE OF FIRE".
Refund policy
Redeemer Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.