Ralph Williamson Memorial Open

PDGA logoSat-Sun, August 3-4, 2019 at Ralph Williamson Memorial DGC in Seattle, Washington
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Ralph Williamson Memorial Open graphic
Added cash $1,000

About this tournament

3 Rounds of golf at Ralph Williamson Memorial DGC (aka Lakewood) on August 3-4th.

A Pool (Pro & MA1) will play two rounds on Saturday, and one round on Sunday.
B Pool (All other Am) will play one round Saturday, and two rounds on Sunday.

Pro divisions play for cash(100% of net entry + $1000 or more added cash)
Am divisons play for player pack + Chainbangers scrip

Trophy for 1st-3rd in all divisions.
NET ENTRY = Listed entry fee minus:

Thank you to all sponsors so far:


Dynamic Discs

Tee Sponsors:
David Wilkins
Jeff Maison
Jeff Fasteen
Seth Minick
Jonathan Gates
James Huestis
Christine Huestis
Andy 'omp' Salkield
Nancy & Jack Lorber
Jason Coke
Stimpi Ridge Disc Golf
Leroy Ron Stevens
For any event sponsorship inquiries please contact Tournament Director by email: [email redacted]

Refund policy

Chuck Mintz is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.
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