RMT Non-Sanctioned round 2
About this tournament
You may register online in advance at https://forms.gle/3mSn1FZ6D9ZnFWnW9
This round of the Rocky Mountain Tour non-sanctioned league will be held at the Urban Forest Disc Golf Course in Spanish Fork, Utah
You will need: Discs, Mini, pencil for keeping score. I will provide physical scorecards. Come have a great time and have a great round!
$2 entry fee (Required)
$5 buy in (optional. A Pool and B Pool)
$1 CTP (optional)
$2 Ace Pot (optional)
Walking Path and beyond is OB around the entire course. Normal OB rules.
Hole 4 - Double Mando is in play.
Hole 10 - Mando is in play
Hole 17 - Both Mandos are in play
If your disc lands OB but was in bounds at some point in its flight, take up to 1 meter in bounds from the fence/path where it was last in bounds. 1 Penalty stroke.
Lost Disc:
You have 3 minutes to find your disc starting at the time you start searching. Everyone on the card should help search. After 3 minutes the disc is considered lost. Return to the previous lie with 1 penalty throw.
Remember, the group is responsible to pay attention to all shots so that they can call how plays are to be made and help find discs. Pay attention to your card-mates throws and be ready to help if needed.
Feel free to reach out or comment with questions.
You may register online in advance at https://forms.gle/3mSn1FZ6D9ZnFWnW9
This round of the Rocky Mountain Tour non-sanctioned league will be held at the Urban Forest Disc Golf Course in Spanish Fork, Utah
You will need: Discs, Mini, pencil for keeping score. I will provide physical scorecards. Come have a great time and have a great round!
$2 entry fee (Required)
$5 buy in (optional. A Pool and B Pool)
$1 CTP (optional)
$2 Ace Pot (optional)
Walking Path and beyond is OB around the entire course. Normal OB rules.
Hole 4 - Double Mando is in play.
Hole 10 - Mando is in play
Hole 17 - Both Mandos are in play
If your disc lands OB but was in bounds at some point in its flight, take up to 1 meter in bounds from the fence/path where it was last in bounds. 1 Penalty stroke.
Lost Disc:
You have 3 minutes to find your disc starting at the time you start searching. Everyone on the card should help search. After 3 minutes the disc is considered lost. Return to the previous lie with 1 penalty throw.
Remember, the group is responsible to pay attention to all shots so that they can call how plays are to be made and help find discs. Pay attention to your card-mates throws and be ready to help if needed.
Feel free to reach out or comment with questions.