
Puns Labrynth 3

PDGA C-tier · Sat-Sun, Jul 26-27, 2014Jul 2014 · Newbury, OH

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eric " Sharky " boyd I know it doesn't show in the final standings , but ; the ' MOST FUN ' shot three 1000 rated rounds this weekend at Pundy !!
Jul 29, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 28, 2014 the most fun kicked some ass!
Walt Guttinger Jul 31, 2014 Yo Sharky- I really enjoyed seeing you, as did the rest of my carload. it sucks to get the dfl, but at least you bagged the glow action!
eric " Sharky " boyd Jul 31, 2014 And I was the raffle bagger : )
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro This event was firing on all cylinders. Now we pay respects to the dearly departed.
Did we ever have that moment of silence for the lost plastic?
Jul 28, 2014
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Brandon Loraine Jul 29, 2014 watched as my sidewinder gracefully floated 50ft out on 15
Larry Bright Jr. Jul 29, 2014 damn that hole 15
Rick Gzesh Aug 1, 2014 I just lost another yesterday on hole 2, my KC Pro Roc with Puns II stamp. :(
Lee Spencer Thanks to the entire Punderson crew for a great tournament. I had a blast and hope to be back for your next one! Jul 28, 2014
Katie Meloy Thanks for a job well done Bobby, Cupcake, Sharky, Andy and the whole Pundy crew. I'll be back next year. How lucky were we that the rain held off for all 3 rounds?! Jul 28, 2014
Trevor Murphy Thanks to EVERYONE for making this an event to remember! My first Punderson Tourney and WOW did you guys and gals do a great job! I can't wait for Puns 4!!!! Jul 28, 2014
Cup Cake For people who asked about Pun's 3 Shirts and buttons; they are in the tournament shop here: Jul 28, 2014
PK Deaner This Course Rocks!!! Great Tourney!!! Thank you Friends of Punderson!!
Jul 28, 2014
Rick Gzesh I forgot to mention the lovely Cupcake in my shout out! Great raffle, I took home some nice goodies. Thank you. Jul 28, 2014
Bob Becker
Thanks for everyone who came out to our event! Thank God we dodged a big one with the weather. Thanks to Andy Morrison and Tom Mote for learning me some stuff. Also thanks to Sharon Jenkins, Leroy Jen ... show more ›
Jul 28, 2014
Sharon Jenkins Jul 28, 2014 Awesome job. The course looks so good. Always a fun time. You Puns people Rock !
Walt Guttinger Jul 31, 2014
Running a tournament is a lot of work, even with the great support staff. Thanks for that Mr Chainwr ... show more ›
Larry Bright Jr. as always, like your course, you punderson folks set the bar high for the rest of us in the NEO. great job out there this weekend to bob, andy, sharky, cupcake, tom, and everyone else involved!! now we just gotta find a way to convince you guys to have a fall tourney ;) Jul 28, 2014
Cup Cake Jul 28, 2014
We are looking to have a fall tourney this year, but not Nightmare on Pine Lake.., We are looking at ... show more ›
Larry Bright Jr. Jul 28, 2014 i like what i'm hearing!!!
Rick Gzesh What a great Tourney! A big thanks go out to Bob, Andy, Tom, Sharky and company who worked hard to get the course in the best shape I have ever seen it in! This course is now the best course I have played in Ohio and is in the top 3 of any I have played anywhere. Spread the word! Jul 28, 2014
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro Jul 27, 2014 i approve this message.
Brandon Loraine Really don't care if I won, had such a blast. Great people, and WOW; such hard work by EVERYONE that made this tournament what it is. Thank You for such a great tournament. Jul 27, 2014
Cup Cake CABIN AVAILABLE - We had one reserved and will not be using it, it is for Saturday Night ONLY at a discounted rate a little over $100.00 - If ANYONE wants it we need to know ASAP - First come first serve basis Jul 26, 2014
Ron Hosek if i gps from dgcr will it take me to the place we check in ? Jul 26, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 25, 2014 just follow the signs for's group site 3
Cup Cake Jul 25, 2014 Check in for camping is at the Campground, Registration for the Tournament is at the Disc Golf Course
Ron Hosek Jul 25, 2014 thank you very much
Carl Hokes So when I get off work tonight hopefully a spot is still open I never used PayPal though can my atm bank card work? Jul 26, 2014
Alex Clark Jul 25, 2014 yes
Bob Becker Jul 25, 2014 call me 440 220 2573
duane koczan Damn lungs getting the better of me, I'm out! Good luck to all. Jul 25, 2014
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro Jul 26, 2014 Bogus.
Rick Gzesh Jul 26, 2014 Sorry to hear that Duane, Hope you feel better soon.
Ron Hosek I might be camping too, if a spot is available. thank you whats the weather report ? Jul 25, 2014
Jon DeCapua Jul 25, 2014 Right now, Scattered T-Storms 40% chance Saturday and Sunday.
Ron Hosek Jul 25, 2014 Thank you. i will def be camping then.
Bill "The Ninja" Savage Sorry guys, I'm out. Good luck to everyone! !! Jul 25, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 25, 2014 :-(
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro Jul 25, 2014 a moment of silence.
Cup Cake REMINDER - Headquarters will be AT THE COURSE on Saturday NOT THE SPORTS CHALET! Parking might be tight up there - if you are camping and can carpool up to the course that would be great! ... just a thought... Jul 24, 2014
Bob Becker
The site for camping is GROUP Site # dont need to check in, but you can stop at the camp office for a map or directions. I'll try to have signs out. There are 12 people who have messaged me abou ... show more ›
Jul 24, 2014
Jon DeCapua Jul 24, 2014 your the man Bob! i'm bringing my mini webber charcoal grill if anyone wants to use it
Jon DeCapua which group camp site number are reserved for the disc golfers? Jul 22, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 22, 2014 site # 3
duane koczan Willie playing int?!?!?! Wtf hahahahahah Jul 22, 2014
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duane koczan Jul 22, 2014 Willie shoots -10 @ oz
Neil "Willie" Wilson Jul 23, 2014 haha this is my first tourney in 6 years. Maybe I'll move up if you're worried, Duane...
duane koczan Jul 23, 2014 Hell no Willie! my rusty ass might just move down! Hahahahah
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro I filled you up. Jul 22, 2014
Trevor Murphy Jul 22, 2014 Butter Cup?
Bob Becker
REMINDERS: Friday night we will be holding a glow round at the course $10 entry fee. BE THERE AROUND 9pm to 9:15 pm The tournament check in/headquarters this year will be at the parking area/pract ... show more ›
Jul 22, 2014
Bob Becker
When the tournament fills the wait list will automatically activate through Disc Golf Scene. To be on the wait list you will be required to pay the registration fee. If you do not get in the registrat ... show more ›
Jul 22, 2014
Trevor Murphy Who is READY TO THROW!!!!???!!! Jul 22, 2014
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Trevor Murphy Jul 22, 2014 slut
Trevor Murphy Jul 22, 2014 wow.. it wouldn't let me call you a sloot
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro Jul 22, 2014 i don't mind being called a sloot
Bob Becker If the tournament fills up, I will start a wait list just in case. Jul 22, 2014
Bob Becker 10 spots left, Get on it ! Jul 21, 2014
Bill Vaughn Jul 21, 2014 make that 8...
Bill Vaughn does everyone have to shoot the same format first round to make it a bag tag round? Is that how it went down last year? I have a high number tag I'd love to move! Jul 21, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 21, 2014 no bag tags involved this year unless you want to do something on your own
Walt Guttinger Jul 22, 2014
I would like to challenge someone/anyone for last year's tags if there won't be new tags this year. ... show more ›
Rick Gzesh I am signed for Advanced Grand Master. I will play Advanced Master if there are not enough players signed up for MG1. Jul 21, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 21, 2014 ok thanks Rick
Alex Schmauder Will there be any type of lunch option on Saturday? Jul 21, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 21, 2014 yes $5 for a footlong sub.order at registration
PK Deaner Punderson Longs to Longs - the most challenging course in North East OHIO!!
You should get your name on a plaque if you play par or better!
Friends of Punderson my hats off to you!!
Jul 20, 2014
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Bill Vaughn Jul 20, 2014 post your score pk!
eric " Sharky " boyd Jul 20, 2014 Tell you what : I'll buy you an ' adult beverage ' if you par the blue or white round , during the tourney !
Katie Meloy Jul 23, 2014 ooh.. I think that means a beverage without a straw?!
Bob Becker The layouts being played are as follows: OPEN,ADV-rd1 red long,rd 2 blue long, rd 3 white long. INT,REC,JR- rd1 red short. Rd2 white short, rd 3 red long Jul 15, 2014
Walt Guttinger Jul 22, 2014 found it!
Aaron Collins Labyrinth Jul 14, 2014
Bob Becker Jul 14, 2014 yeah I know, lol
PK Deaner I didnt see what tees we will be playing, I vote Long- Short- Long Jul 13, 2014
Cup Cake If you haven't played this even before, check out the pictures from last year! Jul 12, 2014
Cup Cake Also - The Tournament Headquarters for Saturday will not be the Sports Chalet as stated on the flyer, it will be at the course, I believe we are putting up a tent? Jul 8, 2014
Brian Kidwell Is there a players pack involved for this tourney? I tried to call to get info but the number has been changed or disconnected. Would novice be shooting from the red tees? Jul 6, 2014
Tom Black Jul 6, 2014 Good question?.......Regardles tho, if your in, im in
Bob Becker Jul 6, 2014
players pack includes one tournament stamped disc and assorted goodies...novice will play red short ... show more ›
Rick Gzesh Will there be an Advanced Grandmaster division? I think I can make this and would want to defend my title from last year.
Jul 1, 2014
Andy Morrison Jul 1, 2014 We would be happy to have an Advanced Grandmaster division. Get 3 of your buddies to sign up and we're there ;)
Rick Gzesh Jul 1, 2014 I will get on it!
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