Prodigy Par 2 Tournament at Starcke

Saturday, November 26, 2022 at Max Starcke Park in Seguin, Texas
Disc golf singles tournament

Prodigy Par 2 Tournament at Starcke graphic

About this tournament

How It Works
PAR2 is a casual, unsanctioned tournament with nine to eighteen holes 180 feet and under. The goal is to run at aces, card 2’s, and have fun. Whoever scores the lowest round wins. Players must use the provided discs in their players pack for all throws. It is a great way to promote the sport of disc golf, involve all skill levels, and have a great time throughout the year!

1 round of 18 holes.

Course Layout
Holes are 180' and under. All holes are Par 2.

Entry Fees
Entry fee is set at $33 for all divisions.

Player Package
The 2021 PAR2 Player's Pack consists of:

(x1) A3 300 GLOW • (x1) P Model S BaseGrip or P Model US BaseGrip (based on availability) • (x1) M Model S BaseGrip • (x1) BP-4 Backpack • (x1) Mini • (x1) Towel

If you would like to purchase the player pack but not play in the tournament, please select the player pack only option.

Player's are required to use the discs included in the Player's Package, and only these discs.

Prize Package
The prizes for each PAR2 event are Prodigy Disc full colour discs for winners of each of the 6 divisions with $20 gift cards, along with $20 gift certificates for the runners up.

Refund policy

Pecan City Disc Golf Shop is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Full refunds will be given up to 5 days before the tournament. If it is within 5 days, you must find someone to replace your spot or you can choose just to receive the player's pack.


Final Results

1Joseph Villarreal4343
2Chris Dodgen4545
3Oscar Bustamante Sr.4646
3Tyler Lafontaine4646
1Derek Tumlinson5252
2Matthew Garcia5858
3Tristan Flores6363
4Jackson Biesenbach7676
5Slayde Short7979
5Wyatt George7979
7Shayne Short8686
1Violet Morales8484
1Michael Sharp4646
2Ryan Sanchez4949
3Robert Sanchez5050
4Jake Tumlinson5151
5Dustin Read5252
5Joseph Villarreal Sr.5252
5Mike Novander5252
8John Ruiz5353
8Tyler Novander5353
10Brien Hewell5454
11Roman Ruiz5555
12Colin S Gross5656
13David Serna5757
13Kimble Hopkins5757
13Sean M Wohlfahrt5757
16Alex Vardell5858
17Luis Morales6666
18Chris Martinez-0
18Dave Rogers-0
1Trisha Tumlinson5555
3Elizabeth Ruiz-Hewell6464
4Tina Radke6666
1Issac Hernandez-0
1Manny Castellanos-0
1Daniel Espinoza-hernandez4444
2Ted Bevill4646
3Michael Aguilar4848
4Phillip Garcia5050
4Samuel Adams5050
6Jeff White5151
7Julian Jones5353
8Todd Bush5454
9Sam A5555
10Paul Rohling5656
11River Rodriguez5757
12Jake Johnson5858
13Laura Dodgen5959
13Noah Tezel5959
15Roy Garcia6161
16Victor Flores6262
17Korey Patek6363
18Anna Aguirre6464
19Reily Jonas6565
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