Freedom Flaps at Prickly Pines

PDGA C-tier

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hosted by Dragon DGC and

Staff Contact ›

Zach Crosser Asst. Tournament Director
Ethan Boyd Asst. Tournament Director
Dain Eric Cunningham Asst. Tournament Director


  • Fri
    Jul 3

    12:00pm - 5:00pm

    Early Check In

  • Sun
    Jul 5

    7:30am - 11:00am

    Player Check In & Start of Round 1 Tee Times

    11:30am - 3:30pm

    Estimated Round 2 Tee Times


MPO Mixed Pro Open $70
FPO Women's Pro Open $70
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $70
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $70
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $70
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $70
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $60
FA1 Women's Am 1 $60
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $60
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $60
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $60
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $60
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $50
FA2 Women's Am 2 $50
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $40
FA3 Women's Am 3 $40
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 $35
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $35
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $35
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $35

About this tournament

We are extremely excited to bring to you all the 1st ever Freedom Flaps at Prickly Pines.!! Some of you may be asking yourself "what is a flap?". A flap can be parked under the basket or 100 ft OB. A flap can be pretty or pretty bad. Either way there will be plenty of flaps to be had!

We are going to try something different with this tournament. Since everyone paid for 2 rounds, we want to give you 2 rounds. This will be a 2 round tournament of 18 holes with tee times. You will play both rounds with the same card mates since we will not be able to switch up cards based on score. Cards will be set using player ratings to help with consistency in play for both rounds. Everyone will still be allowed an hour for lunch in between rounds. This is the 1st time trying this so we hope it works out smoothly.

The small dirt parking lot will be closed (per the city's requirement) to regular parking. TD's, volunteers and handicapped parking will be the only vehicles allowed there. The main parking lot is where everyone will need to park. Per the PDGA recommendations we will not be supplying water coolers on the course so be sure to bring plenty of water for the day.

Refund policy

Dragon DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. We follow the PDGA refund policy. Drops within 14 days of the event will be subject to a $5 fee, the remainder of your refund is subject to your spot being filled in this event.