For those with President's Day off or a flexible schedule, come join us @ Central Ohio's premier 9 hole course. Orange Township Hall Park aka The Hall of Aces is a beautiful, cared for park with a nice pond, streams, elevation changes & some killer tunnell shots.
This single round, 18 hole flex C Tier will be the 1st PDGA sanctioned event of the year for the Olentangy Disc Club.
Come by anytime between Noon & 4:30 to play, we will help facilitate the minimum 3 person card if you don't create your own. Final rounds will have glow, so glow tape & glow devices are allowable for all players all day. We are starting at noon so people can easily play before Griggs or Kinslow Dubbs, or even on their lunch break. Most groups will take 90 minutes or so to play 18 holes.
Weather permitting will be playing either play 2 rounds from the Tee Pads or the Main 18 - Tee Pads then Grass Alt, though the grass alt pads have been moved for the season so all throws will be from black top. The basket on 1 will be in an alt location as well to avoid the mud.
We will have water & hand warmers available. Players pack will include an ODC past event disc & we will have some great prizes for CTPs & Raffle. The rolling Ace Fund will be a minimum of $100 (we awarded $850 at the Christmas Cup).
The player pack for this event will be a disc from a previous tournament, Rob is doing some custom dyes & we will be raffling off at least 1 Trump disc.