Portland Open Amateur Flex Start - Glendoveer West

PDGA logoWednesday, May 31, 2023 at Glendoveer Golf & Tennis in Portland, Oregon
Amateur C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Portland Open Amateur Flex Start - Glendoveer West graphic


Tournament DirectorBrian Cole
Assistant Tournament DirectorDan McKercher

About this tournament

Grab a tee time and come get a competitive PDGA rated round on the DGPT Elite+ courses at Glendoveer!

These West course tee times will run from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Wednesday, 5/31. East course tee times will run from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM on the same day.

Registration for East course AM tee times can be found here: https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Portland_Open_Amateur_Glendoveer_East_2023

MA1 will play the 10,000'+ MPO layout, which is an entirely new, never before seen course designed on the West side of Glendoveer Golf.

All other divisions will play the shorter, 9200' FPO layout, which is also an entirely new course.

Players pack includes an Event Stamped Latitude64 disc. Top 45% in each division paid out in DGPT Pro Shop money by 6/6 via email. Does not include cost of shipping.

Refund policy

Disc Golf Pro Tour is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/69679
1Dallas Garber6767$87
2Samuel Benson7171$63
3Chase Anderson7272$46
3Paige Hurtado7272$46
5Andrew Ryan7373$31
5Zach Humphries7373$31
7Jebediah Anderson7474$12
7Joe Brenning7474$12
7Peter Woodside7474$12
10Jared Fitzpatrick7676
11Joe Coulter7777
12Kyle Torian7979
13Adam Kirschner8080
13Greg Gardner8080
15Joshua Hancock8181
15Nick Paulson8181
17Jon Horgan-0
1Chet Selis7070$70
2Mark Hauser7171$62
3Luke Hancock7474$59
4Aaron Everly7575$56
5Ramon A Ramirez7676$52
5Ryan Hayes7676$52
7Kevin Kirkley7777$47
8Hayden Hall7878$43
9Bob Ward7979$40
10Miguel Henderson8080$37
11Brian Gumpert8181$17
11Jacob Caniparoli8181$17
11Matt McDonald8181$17
11Paul Cleary8181$17
11Roger Smith8181$17
11Scott Butler8181$17
17Jeff Hemphill8282
17Jim Palmer8282
17Seth Muck8282
17Taylor Wagner8282
21Darrin Hancock8383
21Greg Cormier8383
23Dylan Clancy8484
23Luke Jacunski8484
25Brett Babir8686
26Dallin Hague8787
27Keenan Johnson8888
27Nick Nisbet8888
29Robert Leet8989
30David Gascon9494
31Noah Fishel-0
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