Pittsburgh Ladies Open + WGE Presented by Grip It and Rip It Disc Golf

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Hosted by Pittsburgh Flying Disc


  • Sat
    Aug 6

    7:30am - 8:30am

    Check in at tournament Central

    8:30am - 8:45am

    Player's Meeting

    9:00am - 12:30pm

    Round 1

    12:30pm - 1:30pm

    *Lunch will last one hour after the final card turns in their card

    1:30pm - 4:00pm

    Round 2

    4:00pm - 6:00pm

    Trophies and awards handed out and tournament party


FPO Women's Pro Open $35
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $35
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $35
FP55 Women's Pro 55+ $35
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ $35
FP65 Women's Pro 65+ $35
FP70 Women's Pro 70+ $35
FA1 Women's Am 1 $35
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $35
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $35
FA55 Women's Am 55+ $35
FA60 Women's Am 60+ $35
FA65 Women's Am 65+ $35
FA70 Women's Am 70+ $35
FA2 Women's Am 2 $35
FA3 Women's Am 3 $35
FA4 Women's Am 4 $35
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $35
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $35
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $35
FJ10 Girls' Junior 10 $35
FJ08 Girls' Junior 8 $35
FJ06 Girls' Junior 6 $35

About this tournament

The PDGA Women's Committee is very pleased to announce that the sixth edition of the PDGA Women’s Global Event will take place the weekend of August 6 - 7, 2022. Inaugurated in 2012, this biennial event continues to break records as the largest PDGA event for a single demographic within the sport of disc golf. The 2021 Women's Global Event had 99 registered tournaments that spanned the world, from Florida to Finland, Austin to Australia, Cincinnati to China, with a combined turnout of 3224 women competing in 23 different PDGA divisions. That number grew by over 1,000 players from 2018. We can break that record in 2022!
For more information about the Women's Global Event visit https://www.pdga.com/women/global-event or https://www.facebook.com/womensglobalevent/

Per PDGA Guidlines, the 12 and under JUNIOR DIVISIONS will be playing one round only. ALL OTHER JUNIOR DIVISIONS WILL BE PLAYING BOTH ROUNDS.

No lunch will be provided that day, however we will be providing lots of morning and afternoon snacks! Plus we will be having a pizza party along with the trophy ceremony!!

Big thanks to our title sponsor GRIP IT AND RIP IT DISC GOLF!

subject to change
1) A
2) A
3) A
4) Raised Basket
5) A
6) A
7) A
8) A
9) A
10) A
11) C
12) A
13) A
14) A
15) A (raised) - drop zone across the pond
16) A
17) A
18) A

WGE Player Pack items:
PITTSBURGH WGE T-SHIRT (For Registrations before 7/15)
Innova Star Roadrunner
DD Warden or Judge
Waffle Towel with artwork by John Dorn
WGE pin
Hummingbird Sticker designed by Justin Lago
PDGA mini

Refund policy
Pittsburgh Flying Disc is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
*After registration closes partial refund only

Refund policy

Pittsburgh Flying Disc is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.