Pinecrest Flex 1 by
Comments 9 following
About this tournament
Earliest tee time is 9 AM.
Rounds must start before 3 PM.
Each card must have three people before teeing off ...
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matt swenson May 25 at 8:04pm
I’ll be there at 420 with a player can we still play!
Stephen Mueller May 22 at 5:17am
Is there any way I could lock in a 9 AM tee time? With my current work schedule I would need that very early start time or I will have to back out of the tournament
Matt Juedes
May 22 at 1:07pm
If you have two additional people to play with you at 9 AM, you should be fine. Otherwise you would have to wait until you have a group of three to start your round.
Riley Butler April 29 at 6:21pm
will there be any additional divisions?
Matt Juedes
April 29 at 9:41pm
I just updated and added some more divisions. Not sure how those were missed! Let me know if you're not seeing the division you are looking for.
There is someone here waiting for a group, so I think you'll be good!