Pfrommer Woods Meltdown presented by Discraft

PDGA logoSaturday, March 23, 2024 at Pfrommer Woods in Williamson, New York
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Pfrommer Woods Meltdown presented by Discraft graphic

About this tournament

Kick off the spring season at Pfrommer Woods!

PDGA C tier
1 Round
27 holes
Tee Times
Ams - Player Pack, trophy only payout
Pros - 100% cash payout, trophy

Rolling Ace Pool - currently $100
$5 entry
Rolls over to next event if no aces are hit

Cards of less than 3 will be adjusted to closest available time

Divisions of less than 4 may be closed, and adjusted accordingly

$10 will be deducted from each entry fee
-$5 Pfrommer greens/parking fee
-$2 PDGA player fee
-$1 PDGA insurance
-$2 Trophies

Refund policy

Flying Mile Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

PDGA refund policy:


Pfrommer Woods
Williamson, NY   Get Directions


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Matthew Miller8080
1Tyler Tiede8080
3Justin King8181
4Justin Whitney8282
4Matt Stahlecker8282
6Thomas Mariano8383
7Kyle Walker8484
8Stephen Bailey8686
9Carson Reber8787
10Malachi Schultz8888
11Anthony Costello9393
12Chris Fiutko9494
13Jonathan Hall9595
13Steven Sicari9595
1Bobby Jones8181
2Jason Jalonen8282
3Craig Ireland8484
3Eric Trippany8484
3James Egan8484
3Matt Quataert8484
7Edward Ziegenfuss8585
8Ryan Bane8686
9Gary P Egan8787
10Kevin Jacobs8989
1Chelsee Beck102102
1Kris Winter103103
2Jeanne Johnson104104
1Chris O'Connell8282
2Scott Prior8484
3Douglas Urbino8585
4Max VanLiew8686
5Zachary Smith8787
6Adam Torrens8888
7William Johnson8989
8Scott Seyboth9090
9Matt Cicatelli9393
10John Dutra9494
11Christian Amering9898
12Elijah Richards101101
13Hunter Ross103103
1Grant Van Dyke8686
2Jacob Oosterhoff8787
2Peter Dasch8787
4Andrew Peter Wollschleger8888
4Jack Saia8888
6Anthony Van Der Jagt8989
6Tim McCurry8989
8Jeff Gilbert9191
9Zachary Magoffin9292
10Kevin Schlegel9393
10Oliver Kelley9393
12David Morris9494
13Lamahr Sergent9595
13Michael Burst9595
13Nick Maness9595
13Pat Hastings9595
17Robert DeMarco II9696
18Lenny Kerznowski9898
19Jake Heidman105105
20William Hesse106106
21Patrick Maisel107107
1James Avery8686
2Jeremy Lloyd8989
3Anthony R Mock9292
3Greg Lundahl9292
5William McNamara9393
6Jake Landean9494
7Jonathan Graff9595
8Ryan Swanson9696
8Thomas Carpenter9696
10Josiah DeVizia9797
10Pat Inclema9797
12Freddy Mitchell9898
12Nolan Savage9898
14Ethan Curren101101
14Robert Maxwell101101
16Nicholas Smith102102
17Josh Brent103103
17Tim Volkmar103103
19Kinsley A Whittum105105
19Patrick Waldo Whelehan105105
19Paul Jervis105105
19Timothy Bentley105105
23Greg D'Imperio106106
24Justin Kieber-King107107
25Ken Taylor108108
26Josh Miner111111
27Jesse Inzana112112
28Michael Alexander118118
29Derek Pulhamus120120
29Jeff Heidman120120
1Janet Cranshaw9797
2Wendy Courbat103103
3Heather Schlegel105105
1Susan Jervis110110
2Barb Egan112112
1Katelyn Fleming130130
2Kat Backman134134
3Dara Levy-0
1Martin Kohlmeier100100
2Logan Brent108108
3Julian Colon114114
1Robert Maxwell Jr150150
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