Josh Meischner
Hello PFC crew, any word on when the member packs will be handed out? May 16
Andrew Wallen May 19Come out to league! Wildlife this week. Tuesday night 5:30
Josh Meischner May 19I can't :( I am on-call lol...damn job always gettin' in the way of throwing plastic.
T.J. Carson
I just signed up to be a member for the first time but I did not get the add on. Am I able to get it later on down the line or was it only at sign up? May 12
Andrew Wallen May 13You can add later, as long as we still have discs available which we have plenty right now.
Zach Rebholz Feb 2, 2024We are currently in the process of moving our membership list from a spreadsheet over to this discgolfscene page. We will be making updates for members that have signed up through 2024
Timothy Wright
$20 is a steal for a disc golf membership. I would have no problem paying $40 for a PFC membership. Jan 30, 2024