Paul McBeth Foundation Fundraiser Kiwi Edition *TEMUKA*

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Hosted by Generation Disc Golf

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Chris Smith Tournament Director (on site)


  • Sat
    Sep 3

    9:00am - 4:30pm

    Flex start tee offs must begin between these hours.


MPO Mixed Pro Open NZD20
FPO Women's Pro Open NZD20
MA1 Mixed Am 1 NZD20
FA1 Women's Am 1 NZD20
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ NZD20
FA40 Women's Am 40+ NZD20
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 NZD20
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 NZD20
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 NZD20
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 NZD20

About this tournament

A New Zealand wide campaign to raise funds for the Paul McBeth Foundation.

To break it down simply, this is a fundraising event with all profits going to the Paul McBeth Foundation.

There will be 10 or so events happening all on the same day around the country, you will be competing against the people in your local event for placing in your event but also competing against everyone around NZ to find, "THE ONE".
"THE ONE" PRIZE WINNER NATIONWIDE, for the current PDGA member that shoots the most points above their current rating( if there is a tie we will do a live "spin the wheel" to find the winner ). Please note this event is open to EVERYONE, not just pdga members.

There will be a nationwide raffle that will have plenty of fantastic prizes on offer with all proceeds also going to the foundation and this will also be a "spin the wheel" type raffle.
You will get 1 raffle entry with your event entry to start you off.
We are working with the foundation to get some sweet prizes from Paul McBeth added to the prizepool and will be working with many companies around NZ to also bolster the prizepool.
You must either be competing in the event or event staff to enter the raffle

All of these events will be run using the FLEX START format, meaning you can start your round any time of the day Between 9am and 5pm, but you must have a card of at least 3 players from the event playing together on the same score card.


This is an opportunity for the whole NZ disc community to come together and raise some funds for this amazing cause, so come on team, lets goooo.

"About the Paul McBeth Foundation

Most disc golfers are very aware of who Paul McBeth is and what he has done on disc golf courses over the last 15+ years. They may not know as much about his passion for bringing the joys and benefits of disc golf to as many new people as possible. Paul is where he is today because disc golf was available to him in a setting that typically would not have had accessible disc golf courses. Paul would like to see future generations in similar areas have a chance to learn life lessons and experience the joy and community that playing disc golf affords. The Paul McBeth Foundation is Paul's vehicle to make this happen!

The Paul McBeth Foundation is a corporation registered in the state of Virginia. Official 501 (c)3 status has been secured with the Internal Revenue Service.


The Paul McBeth Foundation will develop and introduce sustainable disc golf experiences in underserved locations with limited or no access to the sport.

Our Vision

The Paul McBeth Foundation sees the incredible benefits that disc golf can provide for both individuals and groups of people. The golf lessons learned on the course associated with hard work, commitment, integrity, critical thinking, decision making, communication, and building and maintaining relationships go way past the course and deep into the futures of all who participate. The Paul McBeth Foundation is committed to making this a reality for as many people as possible.

Our Game Plan

The Paul McBeth Foundation is looking for opportunities to either install disc golf courses or provide portable disc golf options in areas without easy access to the sport. Projects ranging from putting baskets in the ground overseas to providing portable baskets to an urban community center cannot be the foundation's end game, though. Providing resources and education to develop and sustain consistent play has to happen to fulfill the foundation's mission."

Refund policy

Generation Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

If you need to pull out for any reason, please think about donating your rego fee to this amazing cause.