
Patriotic Pair Up

Doubles tournament · Sun, May 29, 2011May 2011 · Holly, MI

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Pete Buccellato can any one sign up? or is this members only ? I think I need to get out and throw! lol May 23, 2011
Dj Hunt
ok so...i looked and this is what i came up with 1.7 I with the format you could not return another day to complete the final round. and weather info we had showed no reason to continue. if suspen ... show more ›
Jun 2, 2011
Dj Hunt
ok, So what would you of done then Matt. Remind you that it rained for the next 4 hours. I feel as if the only reason you are complaining is that you shot 13 down the second round. Yes it had not r ... show more ›
Jun 2, 2011
Mark Stephens I would call PDGA HQ to lodge an official complaint. Jun 2, 2011
Brian Wolf Scores I think are up, dj is helping me do that. Darren I got a ctp for you, dont worry im sure are paths will cross again! May 31, 2011
Pete Buccellato going to post the scores soon?
May 30, 2011
Darren Harper Brian nice job running the tourney,cool format,I left because I didn't think I was in the cash,might of had a ctp also? May 30, 2011
Jeremy- Hitman- Horton well nice job who ever put up scores, -47????? May 30, 2011
Paul DISC-OR-DIE Holstein I wasn't in the money, thought it was a very good call. Safety is always #1. Thanks again WPD. May 30, 2011
Dj Hunt
Matt, there was i belive six different people involved in making this call. 2 of witch were not even at the course playing the event. So it was just not Brians call. Just because it was unsanctioned d ... show more ›
May 30, 2011
Mark Stephens Since I was called as a consult and knew nothing about anyones results this was my recommendation. Peoples lives are not worth a few dollars. May 30, 2011
Paul DISC-OR-DIE Holstein Paul Holstein #40923
May 29, 2011
Brian Wolf We are a go tomorrow...rain is scared of us! May 29, 2011
Dick "WPD" Engelmann May be broken, may not, but I am still going to whoop some ass! May 28, 2011
David Lonteen Im in. Hows Rich's toe doing? May 28, 2011
Steve Brown Steve Brown #43780 May 28, 2011
Brian Wolf There will be 3 CTPS (free), a silent auction (for something american), 50/50 ($3 if you want in), and maybe something else! May 26, 2011
Sean "Dizzle" Powell Sean powell May 25, 2011
Paul Tribble Pre-reg* May 25, 2011
Dj Hunt ok so the Storm was not as scared as we thought. Thanx for running this event Sir Frawley had alot of fun! May 30, 2011
Paul Tribble Pre-def me please...Paul Tribble May 25, 2011
Mark Stephens Frawley will be leading a rousing version of the Pledge of Allegiance before the 1st Round. This is not a FTF event so it is open to everyone... May 25, 2011
Steve Brown Thank you Brian for running the event. I support your ruling as TD today. (by the book) May 30, 2011
Josh Somerville Josh Somerville May 23, 2011
Justin Viers Justin Viers May 23, 2011
Jon Peters ok if we can pay the day of the tournament, i will pre reg.

Jon Peters (not a current pdga member)
May 23, 2011
Brian Wolf Jon, You do not have to pre-register if you dont want to, but we are capping the field at 72 players

Pete like rich said open to anyone and get out and play buddy!
May 23, 2011
Dick "WPD" Engelmann this is open to anyone and we would love to have ya! May 23, 2011
Jon Peters do we have to pre register or is there no cap on the field? May 23, 2011
Mark Kassabian Kassabian 48023 May 21, 2011
terry J. gibbs Terry j. Gibbs #41663 May 20, 2011
Dick "WPD" Engelmann Richard "Gimme Missin" Engelmann #42165 May 17, 2011
Brian Wolf May 16, 2011
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