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Hello golfers!
I’m excited for this weekend, The club and myself have put in a lot of work to ensur ...
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Hello golfers!
I’m excited for this weekend, The club and myself have put in a lot of work to ensure you're gonna have the best possible time. I wanted to provide some updates and let you know what to expect.
First of all THANK YOU to our tee sponsors, with COVID I wanted to keep the fundraising effort minimal with smaller more individual donations, thank you, thank you thank you to everyone who bought tee signs!!
Second of all, if you haven’t been here before the course directions can be tricky but the address is 1 Ways Lane McKinleyville Ca 95519
Camping should be a go for Friday-Sunday Night
Tournament schedule:
Thursday: Round 1 Tee times will be posted Thursday evening
Friday: Gate should be open to allow for practice rounds
Remember to bring $5 if you’re a non key holder!!!
Saturday: Round 1 tee times starting at 9am. Please show up 20 minutes before your tee time for check in and going over course notes
Please pick up your players pack after the conclusion of your first round, we will have a booth set up near hole 27 so you can pick it up.
Sunday: Round 2 Tee times starting at 9am. Trophies and awards will begin after the conclusion of the second round at Area 74
Scoring: We will be using the PDGA digital scoring please go to
www.pdga.com/scoring our password is PISC21. As per new guidelines, at least two methods of scoring will be in place for each card. I will have paper back up scorecards
As always if you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to contact me
Max Garcia- Tournament Director