About this tournament
PBO 2-finalized layout and rules sheet. 10-2-2020 10:38pm
Please have 1 player score with digital scoring, and another player score with paper scorecard. Tournament central will be set up near tee pad 17 for PBO layout. Checkin optional. PDGA.com/score
1- hole 1 right teepad to long right basket. Ob in water and the first white line away from the road.
2- hole 2 teepad to basket 2, mando left, road and beyond ob
3- hole 3 teepad to basket 3, double mando, road and beyond ob. Island in 4 fairway plays ob.
*4- teepad 4 to basket 4 short. Short island and middle island are in bounds. Drop zone will be marked between the two trees of 4’s fairway. Fly over does not count. Disc must be in bounds or you proceed to the drop zone. Option to play from your last lie in bounds.
5- Long 5 basket to the right round 1. Based on speed of play this may move to the long left position for round 2. OB in island of 4 fairway. Walking path not ob.
6- long 6 teepad to 14 right basket. Mando right of marked tree since people were throwing into 3’s fairway.
7- teepad 9 long to basket 9. Path to right and beyond ob. Railroad ties long ob. Path ob. Concrete island behind regular 8 pin is not OB
8- teepad 10 to basket 13 right (willow tree) Hour Glass ob, string line OB near creek. Path ob. Optional drop zone when ob.
9- teepad 11 short to basket 11 (double mando). Railroad ties ob.
10- teepad 12 to basket 13 left (mando left of 1st tree, then double mando (walking path is safe). Water ob.
11- teepad 14 to short temp island,
(Play as hazard if not in island)
12- teepad 15 left to basket 16 left, mando right of marked tree by teepad (creek and beyond ob, walkway and beyond left ob) if you miss mando re-tee
13- teepad 17 to basket 17 (parking lot ob). Curb line ob asphalt ob if no curb is present. Railroad ties ob.
14- teepad 18 long to basket 18 long (railroad ties and beyond to the right is ob). String line in ditch marking ob. Based on speed of play this hole may change for the second round to one of the easier combinations. Mando through first two trees off tee.
15- 1st bay hole- temp teepad near old mando tree playing to temp basket (across from teepad 1) water OB, first white line away from road and beyond left is OB
16- 2nd bay hole- temp teepad plays across the water to a temp basket, water OB, white line and beyond left is OB. If ob proceed to drop zone or option to play from previous lie.
Drop Zone for any player that doesnt want to play the tee shot, but must add strokes.
17- 3rd bay hole- temp tee pad to temp basket. Water ob. Ob in parking lot using large rocks as ob line.
18- temp teepad playing back towards the basket position 18. Water ob.
Please have 1 player score with digital scoring, and another player score with paper scorecard. Tournament central will be set up near tee pad 17 for PBO layout. Checkin optional. PDGA.com/score
1- hole 1 right teepad to long right basket. Ob in water and the first white line away from the road.
2- hole 2 teepad to basket 2, mando left, road and beyond ob
3- hole 3 teepad to basket 3, double mando, road and beyond ob. Island in 4 fairway plays ob.
*4- teepad 4 to basket 4 short. Short island and middle island are in bounds. Drop zone will be marked between the two trees of 4’s fairway. Fly over does not count. Disc must be in bounds or you proceed to the drop zone. Option to play from your last lie in bounds.
5- Long 5 basket to the right round 1. Based on speed of play this may move to the long left position for round 2. OB in island of 4 fairway. Walking path not ob.
6- long 6 teepad to 14 right basket. Mando right of marked tree since people were throwing into 3’s fairway.
7- teepad 9 long to basket 9. Path to right and beyond ob. Railroad ties long ob. Path ob. Concrete island behind regular 8 pin is not OB
8- teepad 10 to basket 13 right (willow tree) Hour Glass ob, string line OB near creek. Path ob. Optional drop zone when ob.
9- teepad 11 short to basket 11 (double mando). Railroad ties ob.
10- teepad 12 to basket 13 left (mando left of 1st tree, then double mando (walking path is safe). Water ob.
11- teepad 14 to short temp island,
(Play as hazard if not in island)
12- teepad 15 left to basket 16 left, mando right of marked tree by teepad (creek and beyond ob, walkway and beyond left ob) if you miss mando re-tee
13- teepad 17 to basket 17 (parking lot ob). Curb line ob asphalt ob if no curb is present. Railroad ties ob.
14- teepad 18 long to basket 18 long (railroad ties and beyond to the right is ob). String line in ditch marking ob. Based on speed of play this hole may change for the second round to one of the easier combinations. Mando through first two trees off tee.
15- 1st bay hole- temp teepad near old mando tree playing to temp basket (across from teepad 1) water OB, first white line away from road and beyond left is OB
16- 2nd bay hole- temp teepad plays across the water to a temp basket, water OB, white line and beyond left is OB. If ob proceed to drop zone or option to play from previous lie.
Drop Zone for any player that doesnt want to play the tee shot, but must add strokes.
17- 3rd bay hole- temp tee pad to temp basket. Water ob. Ob in parking lot using large rocks as ob line.
18- temp teepad playing back towards the basket position 18. Water ob.
Refund policy
Ed Doppelmayr is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.