Orlando Space Port

Singles tournament

Friday, November 10, 2023

Hosted by Orlando Disc Golf


  • Fri
    Nov 10

    6:00pm - 7:00pm

    Check In


    Round Starts


GEN General $39.95

About this tournament

Come join us for a special round of glow disc golf. This is an Ace Race! Each player gets two throws per hole.

No putting involved, just throw for an Ace, count your score, go grab your discs and move to the next hole.

Scoring is as follows:
- 1 point for metal (Top Band, Basket, Pole, Top of Basket, Sign)
- 3 points for a chain hit
- 5 points for ace
Most cumulative points wins!

The layout will be Short to Short with some of the tee positions placed closer to the basket (marked with lights) so that everyone has a chance to ACE!

This will be a flex start (this may change). Minimum of 3 players per card.

Refund policy

Orlando Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.