Eastbound Disc Golf is Proud to present - One, Schu, Three: A Trilogy Challenge.
ROGE/GORE. (Red Odd Gold Even/ Gold Odd Red Even)
Odd # holes
(1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17)- Red tee pad/Gold basket.
Even # holes (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18)- Gold tee pad/ Red basket.
Players will all receive the same 3 discs, driver (Vandal), mid-range (Warship) and putter (Pure), as part of the Player Pack, and those discs will be the only ones permitted for use during the tournament round. Other Player Pack items include a mini-marker and towel.
There will be an A, B and C pool . A pool will be for MPO/FPO and MA1?FA1 level players. C pool will be for beginner level players and B pool will be for everyone in between.
Top performers from each division will receive a trophy and payout for the rest of the fields will be in DD gift cards .
Please check the schedule for check-ins and start times, and be sure to bring your appetite (and your wallet) as we will have food vendor(s) set up for the after party!!
After the Tournament is over and you have gorged yourself on some amazing food, feel free to play a fun round. Layout and structure will be determined by all who would like to participate, but I'm thinking of a restricted bag round; this could consist of only putter, the sum of disc speeds or any other crazy fun combination we could come up with. Again, this is just for fun, and its a great opportunity for new players to mingle with club members and get a feel for how incredible the Eastern Shore disc golf community really is!!
One more thing, for all current club members, BRING YOUR TAGS!!! If you're not current, tags will be available for sale. $10 is all it takes for you to play alongside some real gems for bragging rights.
More info to come , please check back in and be sure to look at Eastbound Disc Golf's Facebook page,
https://www.facebook.com/groups/802719797078597 for relative info.
More info to come!!