Omaha Ladies Open
Added cash $200
About this tournament
2020 is the Fourth Annual Omaha Ladies Open!
Conveniently located in the middle of America, Omaha welcomes ladies of all ages and experiences to join us July 11, 2020 for a day of Disc Golf with other women.
at least $200 added to Pro Division(s)
at least $100 added to Am Division(s)
*There must be 3 players per division to get added cash.
Conveniently located in the middle of America, Omaha welcomes ladies of all ages and experiences to join us July 11, 2020 for a day of Disc Golf with other women.
at least $200 added to Pro Division(s)
at least $100 added to Am Division(s)
*There must be 3 players per division to get added cash.
Refund policy
Omaha Metro Disc Golf Ladies is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.