ODP Showdown Benefit for Humane Society

PDGA logoSaturday, May 13, 2023 at Oakboro District Park in Oakboro, North Carolina
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

ODP Showdown Benefit for Humane Society graphic

About this tournament

This will be a one round sanctioned PDGA tournament at Oakboro District Park to support our local humane society. All Star layout(mix of longs and shorts).Tee times range from 9am - 3pm, you pick what time you'd like to play. Cards must have at least 3 players per card to play. If 2 or less players are on a card by tournament day the TD will move players to closest tee time available. Gift cards rewarded to AM winners, PayPal payouts to Pros

Refund policy

Albemarle Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/69742
1Justin McCorkle4848$36
2Christopher McDonald4949
1David Smith4848
2Jeffery Keever4848
3Philip Cox4949
4James Mcdonald5454
5River Tarlton5555
1Lynn Deese4747
2Kris Hoffmann5353
3Jamie Labbee5757
4Wesley Bunker5858
1Danny Collins5151
2David Storey5252
2John Kennedy5252
4Doug Williams5353
4Mike Powell5353
6Jon Sherrill5454
7Chad Hough5757
8Jimmy McDonald5858
9Darren S5959
9Scott Hulin5959
11Frank Rivers6060
12Duane Martinelli6262
1Ken Koch5757
2James Willoughby6464
1Justin Cole4747
2Drew Scalise4848
3Mike Lawrence4949
4Ryan Rhodes5050
4Trevor Nelson5050
6Brandon Buckman5151
6Brent Thompson5151
8Chris Caudle5454
9David Pigg5858
1Matt Allen4747
2Chris Gainey5353
2Matt Watford5353
4Isaac Walsh5454
5Arthur Poston II5757
5Jacob Earnhardt5757
5James Culver5757
5Matthew Carpenter5757
9Chase Calloway5858
9Jared Palmer5858
11Chris Chapman6060
11Mike Russell6060
13Adam Lazzari6464
1Eric LaPrad5151
2Cory Driggers5454
3Garrett Chapman5555
4Andy Olson5656
5Brad Childress5757
6Aaron Earnest5858
6Ryan Vaccarino5858
8Alex Laughlin6060
9Jordan Cole6262
10Steven Hooper6363
1Katt Elliott6464
2Jordin Laughlin6565
3Lainie Powell6969
4Christina Powell7171
5Kassia Lea7575
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