ODDS #12: Bluechip Technologies presents the LoCo Open 12 (AMs)

PDGA logoSat-Sun, September 23-24, 2023 at Clark's Run Disc Golf Course in Leesburg, Virginia
Amateur B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament
Part of ODDS 2023


Tournament DirectorRob Stark
Assistant TDAustin Jackson
Assistant TDMike Sullivan

About this tournament

Play is suspended for Saturday. The governor of Virginia declared a state of emergency due to a tropical storm with winds getting to 40-45 mph and significant rain. We will resume play on Sunday. Unfortunately this means we will only be playing 1 round due to the size of the field.

Bluechip Technologies is excited to present the the Twelfth Annual LoCo Open, an ODDS event and a PDGA B-Tier!

This year's event will have all rounds competed at Clark's Run. Tee times for the event can be found at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/65590

The Caddy Guide can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BD13T50T9R8XTnN-WHMxMp8ZIwR3QVD4/view?usp=drive_link

We're looking to create a spectacle and truly hope every one has a great time this year! This is a true amateur event celebrating the amateur players.

The Player Pack this year is first rate where it is approximately twice the value of the registration. The premier pack includes: A canvas bag, a club logo'd, club glove waffle towel, a pair of discs- A Jawbreaker Zone and an additional ESP Discraft disc, a large Buzzz mini, a Discura Jersey event shirt, a stretch band and a Bluechip logo'd Whale Sac. Factor in the Troophies and the assorted fees for the PDGA and Freedom Center, and the total value gets to 250%. Not too shabby.

Check out the unboxing event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LoCoDiscGolf/permalink/6785135644866289/?mibextid=Nif5oz

If you're looking for a warm up event, checkout the Flex C-Tier on Friday the day before the main event at:

Refund policy

LoCo Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/65590
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1Kristopher Kozosky6262
1Sam Goetsch6262
3Austin Whitesell6767
3Mark Gibson6767
3Paul Bailey6767
3Tim Coffman6767
7Alex Veltman7171
8Andrew Mottley7373
8Paul Hafley7373
10Ryan Miller7474
11Michael Sevachko7575
12Sean Chi7676
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1Bob Stahl6565
2Brad Pearson6868
3Timothy Eck7272
4Chris Bleiler7474
5Christopher Washburn7575
5Peter Ludlam7575
7Nathan Shapiro7676
8Mike Althouse7777
9Chris Bellefeuille7878
9Neil Adamus7878
9Rob Frank7878
12Pete Thomas8181
12Will Debesis8181
14David Fenigstein8585
15Jeffrey Sharrard8888
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1Mark Metz6565
2Brandon Bailey7070
3Barry Pearson7272
3Graeme S Henderson7272
5Jeff Snider7474
6Daniel Hatfield7575
7Rick Wilcox7676
8Steve Tashjian7979
9Dennis Cavallaro8181
9Greg Gardner8181
9Ian Stack8181
12John Iliff8383
12Mike Miller8383
14Chet Butler8989
15Derrick Jaastad9292
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1Dylan Kilpatrick6565
1Emmanuel Morales6565
1Kyle Foster6565
4Brad Hoke6666
5Phil Mills6868
5Ryan Potter6868
7Chase Fernandez7070
7Ryan Hutton7070
9James Allen7171
9Tucker Woolrich7171
11Troy Chaplin7272
12Andy Endicott7373
12Jacob Windle7373
14Jack Cobb7575
14Jonah Trani7575
14Stephen Mondschein7575
17Andrew S Miller7878
18Ryan Bailey8181
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1Nick Wells6666
2Ferdinand Sityar6868
2Mitch Taylor6868
4Andrew Shands6969
4Joshua Collins6969
6Brendan O'Sullivan7070
6Kevin Huff7070
6Kin Ho Ling7070
6Paul Scarpato7070
10Bernardo Medrano7373
10Kevin Gallant7373
10Mike Thorpe7373
13Connor Rayhill7474
13Noah Ranck7474
13Rob Pisaniello7474
16Andrew Kucinich7777
16Jack T Norton7777
16Jorge "George" Menjivar7777
16Moises Rivero7777
16Ryan Cole7777
16Zack Mayo7777
22Josh Messinger7979
22Kenneth Durgin7979
24Frederick Hefer8080
25Andrew Welch8181
25Colin Shay8181
27Peter Hudak8484
28Jeff Bousquet8686
28Robert Michaud8686
28Ted Travis8686
31Aran Bragan8888
32Matthew DiNuzzo9090
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1William Gibson7878
2Sean Graphman7979
3Giovanni Marrero8282
4Douglas Channell8484
4Jake France8484
6Mike Hollstein8787
7Sean Shada8888
8Edgar Moreno9191
9Craig Simmons9595
Round 1: Clark's Run Disc Golf Course - LoCo 12 Layout, 18 holes, par 64
1Darrin Sever7373
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