Jeremy Pelletier
Just found out our 3 man group may end up being only a 2 man group. Looking to possibly sync up with any individuals or duos that also need more to start. Apr 15, 2022
Joseph McGowan
Not gonna be able to make it Friday I have to work that night, I'll see you guys Saturday morning after work!! Apr 15, 2022
Richard Higbee Apr 15, 2022Hate you can't make it. See you Saturday.
Scott Layfield
Wanted to try and ride over to play this course at some point tomorrow. Would I need to sign up for the flex in order to do this? Apr 14, 2022
Richard Higbee Apr 15, 2022Last card for the flex start goes off at 3:00 so you'd be free to play after. Although, we'd love to have you play.
James Coste
If we put a group together from players who are playing different layouts, is that a problem as long as there are a minimum of 3 players on the card? Apr 13, 2022
In all of the Flex tournaments I have played in the pads dont matter. The player(s) playing the long ...
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In all of the Flex tournaments I have played in the pads dont matter. The player(s) playing the longest pads do thier order and then cascade down until everyone has teed off. Once thats done its normal play.