Trilogy Challenge 2022@ ULTRA Discgolf Park

Saturday, August 13, 2022 at ULTRA DiscGolfPark in Fort Collins, Colorado
Disc golf singles tournament

Trilogy Challenge 2022@ ULTRA Discgolf Park graphic

Refund policy

Throw Away The Hate! is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Current Standings

Round 1: ULTRA DiscGolfPark - Standard 18 Mix, 18 holes, par 56
1Justus Grenemyer49
2Ian Sawyer51
3Matt Watwood52
4Alex Phannenstiel53
5Andy Anderson55
6Britt Sawyer56
6James Gurley56
8Chase Harper57
8Chris Krueger57
8Christopher Gregory57
11Bryan Vernetson58
11Dan Briner58
11Eric Robbins58
11John Bommarito58
11Matt Love58
11Michael McGee58
11Robb Gallegos58
11Ryan Kennedy58
19Dave Mashburn59
20Evan DeMeyer60
21Adam Strawser61
21Jason Mitchell61
21John Sunvison61
24Daniel Menze63
24Gabriel Morrin63
24Isaiah Hernandez63
27Ian McGee64
28Alex Bukor65
28Chris Carry65
28Greg Coleman65
28Joseph Pattison65
32Wyatt Johnson66
33Brian Larson69
33Marissa Lee69
35Ethan Mestas70
35Mark DeMeyer70
35Peter Klein70
38Alex Somero71
38Brian Carver71
38Cam Nigro71
38Dave Malone71
38Jeffrey Carassco71
38Ryan Wenke71
38Zach Averill71
45Joey Mark72
45Micah Yarbrough72
45Shawn Pagan72
48Brett Trisler74
48Jerry Trisler74
48Riley Antrobus74
51Joshua Blakley75
52Craig Palmer78
53Athena Murphy82
54Finn Carver85
55Rebecca M87
56Ashley Krueger90
56Cassandra Thomas90
58Mark Carbajal91
59Vicki Briner97
60Alexander Greco-
60Ashton Webberley-
60Brandon Shean-
60Connor Touchton-
60Erin Kunselman-
60Jack Cooper-
60Kenny Webberley-
60Kevin Galloway-
60Michelle Baird-
60Sean Mattingly-
60Zack Steffel-
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