Widick Warmup - North Watertower Park

PDGA logoSaturday, September 12, 2020 at North Watertower Park in Sarasota, Florida
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Widick Warmup - North Watertower Park graphic


Tournament DirectorTyler Parker
Assistant Tournament DirectorBen Stemen

About this tournament

Please do not show up more than 15 minutes before your tee time to warm up, this is a city park so we have to minimize traffic due to COVID-19. You will need to sign up for a tee time online before Saturday.

You can sign up for your tee time here:


Please try and keep cards to 3-4 players (must have at least 3), get with me for anything more.

Amateur Fees $25 Registration
(Paying out top 45%)
$2 - PDGA
$1 - Widick Fund
$15 - Players Pack
$7 - Voucher Payouts

Pro Fees $25 Registration
(Paying out top 40%)
$2 - PDGA
$1 - Widick Fund
$22 - Payout

If an ace is not hit the day of the event, all fees collected from the $2 ace pot buy in will roll over into the ace pot for the Jim Widick Memorial tournament the following week.

Refund policy

Sarasota Sky Pilots is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/47003
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Benjamin Stemen5050$85
2Zachary Smith5656$54
3Daniel Pastore Jr5757
4Dustin Leatherman5959$29
5Sean McGowan6161
6Cameron J. Harbachuk6262
6Kevin Huxhold6262
8Justin Darr6363
9Chris Hamby7171
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1James Daly6161$46
2Jason Stover6464
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Hannah Leatherman6161$23
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Matthew Munroe5858$26
1Michael Kapes5858$26
3Chuck Wilson-BrunkE6161$14
3Ed Dentzel6161$14
5Mike Streetman6363$5
5Nicholas Brinkman6363$5
5Sparrow Vandekerckhove6363$5
8Jeff McConnell6464
9Christian Wilborn6565
9Matt Vesely6565
11Jason Shultis6666
12James Jurden6767
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Tim Robert6666$8
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Lorenzo Rivera5858
2Juan Castanon6161
2Kevin Bradley6161
4Nicholas Brenneman6262
5Joe Stemen6363
5Kevin Herrington6363
7Stathis Linardos6464
8Bryan Sanetti6565
8Charles Racette6565
8Ranger Loebel6565
8Roy Henriquez6565
12Erik Pendleton6767
13Jose Morales6868
13Matthew Welborn6868
15Ken Corbo Jr.6969
16Brett Colonna7171
17Jake Guay7272
18Kenneth Corbo7777
18Monica Corbo7777
20Zach LaRose-0
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Cole Hauser5959
2Justin Lenards6060
3Charlie Tilford6161
3David Brown6161
3Kyler Middlebrooks6161
6Brandon Barbre6363
6Drew Howard6363
8Brent Smallwood6464
8Bryce Poindexter6464
8Larry Gamboni6464
11Christopher Pascual6565
11Matthew Parker6565
13Josh Stemen6666
14AndreE Pinero6767
14Andrew Benson6767
14Steve Mersinger6767
17Brett Jurden6868
17JT Gant6868
17Jose Vincenti6868
17Tyler Parker6868
21Reid Francel6969
22DJ Edward7171
22Shane A Paul7171
24Ryan Juengling7373
25Isaiah Larkin7575
25Javier Vargas7575
27Chase Hadley7676
28Eli Brown7979
29Eric Washburn8080
30Tim Vandekerckhove8181
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Alecia Trauscht6666$16
2Danielle Payne6767
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Kristiana Serbin7171$8
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1Hayley Buchanan7474
2Jackie Barbre8686
3Nicole Wallace8989
4Ashley Shirley9090
Round 1: North Watertower Park - Widick, 20 holes, par 60
1David Jasik7979
2Ellis Huxhold8181
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