New Hampshire States Disc Golf Championships

Saturday, September 11, 2021 at Hunt's Mean 18 in Rindge, New Hampshire
Disc golf singles tournament

About this tournament

New Hampshire States
Hunts Mean 18 - Rindge, NH
Disc Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 11, 2021
NEFA Points Event

Directions: Follow Little Meadow Brook Road (dirt) off of Sunridge Road. The course is open for us Thursday morning 9/9 at about 9 AM through Sunday.

Play: We will play 2 rounds of 18 holes. PDGA rules of play.

$10 Green's Fee (included in Registration)
$2 Ace Pot (included in registration)

Sponsors: Looking for $25 sponsors. Sponsors will have a chance to win a portable basket, and one sponsor will leave with one! Also Sponsors get to pick their Round 1 starting hole and one other player to join them on that hole. 2 sponsorships together can pick their first round card of 5.

Schedule: Registration 8 - 9:15 am, first round 9:30 am, Lunch (see below), second round, awards.

Divisions: All NEFA Points Divisions- see above.

Prizes: Cash payout to pro divisions, Players Pack and Funny Money for amateur divisions.

Our usual lunch Pizza place was sold and they do not have staff to deliver. Please BRING YOUR LUNCH, or we can try to organize a order and pick-up.

Refund policy

TD is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


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