Nesbitt Trilogy Challenge 2021

Saturday, August 28, 2021 at Nesbitt Park in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Disc golf singles tournament

Nesbitt Trilogy Challenge 2021 graphic


Tournament DirectorKerrigan Cummins
Tournament DirectorJohn Butler

About this tournament

Come have a fun time growing the sport with friendly competition!

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty:

Date and time: 08/28/2021. Time TBD based on number of registrants. First player's pack pick-up will be 8:00AM.

Cost: $35

Every registrant will receive a Trilogy Challenge Player's Pack including: 3 brand new discs (one putter, one mid-range, one driver), a towel, and a mini.

The discs included: EMac Judge (Dynamic Discs putter 2,4,0,1), Warship (Westside mid-range 5,5,0,1), Sapphire (Latitude 64 driver 10,6,-2,1.5).

Everyone will play one round (18 holes) using the same 3 discs.

There are prizes for divisional winners as well as some "closest to the pin" (CTP) prizes (donated by some awesome local disc golfers!).

There are 7 divisions in order to accommodate all skills levels from someone just trying the sport today to our professionals in the area! Doubles divisions have been added to spice things up! They will both be "best shot" doubles, so don't worry if you shank a few. Please bring a friend- this is the perfect time to introduce someone to the sport and get a novice-friendly player's pack. Regarding the doubles divisions, each player is required to purchase their own player's pack. Note: you can only sign up for one playing division, but can sign up for as many extra player's packs as you would like. You can only use the 3 discs from one player's pack on the day of though.

If you cannot play and would like a player's pack, there is a division just for you. Player's pack must be picked up or shipped no later than one week after the tournament.

No refunds allowed once player's packs are ordered on 08/13/2021.

Should we get 100 registrants prior to the registration deadline, we will have the opportunity to raffle off a Marksman basket!

Please note that ALL proceeds will go to the Nesbitt Park Disc Golf Course.

Refund policy

John and Kerrigan Butler are responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Nesbitt Park
Wilkes-Barre, PA   Get Directions


Final Results

1Dave Burns-0
Round 1: Nesbitt Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1John Butler4848
1Kerrigan Butler4848
3Christopher Zacharias4949
3Michelle Bush4949
5Lauren Vermeulen5050
5Wesley Hill5050
7Connor Ruhl5151
7Lindsay Lord5151
9Annie Knorr5353
9Jesse Knorr5353
11Janelle Peachy5454
11Jared Blasdell5454
11Shane Boyer5454
11Stacey Blasdell5454
15Derek Yenser6262
15Grace Butler6262
Round 1: Nesbitt Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Charles Holminski4949
1Thomas Tencza4949
3Anthony Modrovsky5353
3Chris Czapla5353
3David Cattano5353
3Dylan Fogel5353
3George Marsellas5353
3Thomas Zollo5353
Round 1: Nesbitt Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Brandyn Smith5252
2Kyle Bower5252
3David Madl5454
3Joseph Villacorta5454
5Kyle Hammer5555
6Jason Kuzmak5656
6Tyler Koller5656
Round 1: Nesbitt Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Chris Burrows6161
2Wilson Michael7575
3Jason D Orefice7676
4Keaghan Burrows7979
5Kiersten Burrows8989
6Michael Yohn-0
1Alexis Wise-0
1Andrew Wise-0
1Becca Estus-0
1Gavin Grimshaw-0
1Greg Austin-0
1JR Yenser-0
1Kyle Yenser-0
1Mike Long-0
1Nicole Lenahan-0
1Pat Lenahan-0
1Timothy Long-0
1Tyler Koller-0
Round 1: Nesbitt Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Kiffa Conroy5454
2Joseph Muracco5454
3Frank Bennett5656
4Keith Bomberger5656
5Kaizen Conroy5656
6Dale Smith5858
7Joseph Gates6060
8Greg Austin6161
8Ryan Lamoreux6161
10Bill Corcoran6363
11Gene Bly6464
12Adam Jaworski6565
13David Breese6868
13Herbert Estus6868
15Jonathan Seward7070
16Darren Michael Kelly-0
16Joe Bender-0
Round 1: Nesbitt Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1BrieAnn Mayers7373
2Christina Browning7474
3Lori Mayers8484
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