NOVA July 2023 Tag Monthly

Saturday, July 15, 2023 at Pohick Bay Regional Park in Lorton, Virginia
Disc golf singles tournament

NOVA July 2023 Tag Monthly graphic


Tournament DirectorMatthew Bolden
Mike Sullivan
Rob Michaud
Jorge Menjivar

About this tournament

Don't let the mid-summer heat drag you down. Head out to Pohick and lay your club tag on the line in an early-morning monthly. We'll be playing from the long tees to the short baskets.

$2 of the Entry Fee goes to greens fees.

Want to play on the same card with your buddies? That's totally cool but have everyone check-in at the same time.

Division details are here:

GOLD: Rated 935+
SILVER: Rated 880-934
BRONZE: Rated 825-879
STEEL: Rated up to 824
EMERALD: Gender Protected, Rated 750+
AMETHYST: Gender Protected, Rated up to 749
PLATINUM: Age-protected 60+
JUNIORS: Age-protected <18

GROW THE SPORT! Free entry for players in the JUNIOR, EMERALD and AMETHYST divisions. EMERALD and AMETHYSTS still get paid out!!

Refund policy

NOVA Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Emily Gauthier6161$15
2Crystal Adaway6262$5
3Amanda E Bolden6565
4Lisa Buch6868
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Carter Buschman5151$30
2Matt Rupert5151$25
3Christopher Drost5252$20
4Phillip Williams5353$15
5Kevin Huff5454$5
6Gregory Baker5555
6Jeff Bousquet5555
8J.W. Read5656
8Matthew Burson5656
8Todd Sprang5656
8Vincent Nguyen5656
12Graham Bagshaw5858
12Ian Stack5858
12Jeff Carlson5858
12Jim Harrison5858
16Jared McAllister5959
17Mitchell Taylor6060
18Jeremy Anderson6262
18Matthew Bolden6262
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Dan Wendell-0
1Dave Hartzell-0
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Gavin Shaw4343$30
2Naved Hasnain4646$10
3Sean Chi5555
4Bob Stahl5656
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Mason Bagshaw5656
2Kyle Harrison6565
3Jackson Bagshaw7272
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Billy Bob Vigil5252$15
2Budd Rogers5858
2Steve Miller5858
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Robert Thomas4949$20
2Dave Steger5151$15
3Keerti Goorah5252$10
4Carl Pokryfke5252
5Kevin Carr5353
5Reid Sharkey5353
5Rose Shertick5353
8Kyle Grimsley5454
8Marc LaRochelle5454
Round 1: Pohick Bay Regional Park - Pohick Bay Whites (Red on 3, 5, 7-11 15, 17-18), 18 holes, par 54
1Erick Roshelli5050$20
2Sean R Shada5656$15
3Gary Grimsley6161$5
4Jim Egyud6161
5Stephen Purdy6464
6Ben Nguyen6666
7Kritter Chris Parker6868
8Craig Simmons6969
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