NOVA February 2022 Tag Monthly

Saturday, February 12, 2022 at Burke Lake Park in Fairfax Station, Virginia
Disc golf singles tournament

NOVA February 2022 Tag Monthly graphic

About this tournament

Bring your oversized NOVA DGA 2022 tags and come out to Burke Lake Park, where we will be setting up FIELD HOLES!!!!!! We'll be playing a 24 hole layout, playing long tees in the park (except for 3, 5 and 7), and playing six temporary holes (A-F) in the fields near the park entrance. After you play hole 10, you'll play A-F, then continue to 11.

Check-in will be along the fence of the mini-golf course. All club members who haven't picked up their club swag yet will be able to come by and pick it up during this event!

The ACE POT is currently at $73.00. Run it!!

So what division should I sign up for?

GOLD: You're in that top-tier of club members and/or routinely playing MA1 or Pro at PDGA events. You're willing to toss in an extra $5 on that entry fee because you know you're getting it back. You're taking home a single- or double-digit tag because that's what's up. Bring it.

SILVER: Consistently competitive in silver or
finished towards the top of Bronze last year. When it comes to PDGA events you're playing MA2 or are frequently in contention in MA3. Thorns are overrated so you keep it in the fairways. Makes it a lot easier to land that next shot in C1 and nail that putt you're pretty confident in.

BRONZE: New to the game? New to tournaments? Playing MA3 and MA4 in PDGA tournaments? This division is for you. Come on out, have a great time, make some new friends, and try to bump up that tag number.

EMERALD: Women can play in any division they qualify for, but this division is one of two just for the ladies, and specifically for the upper-level competitors playing in FPO, FA1, or frequently in contention in FA2.

AMETHYST: This is a new division for 2022, a second women's-only division created for those competitors just starting to compete in FA2 or regularly competing in FA3 or FA4.

PLATINUM and JUNIORS: There are no age limits on any of the above divisions but Platinum is available for our 60+ members and Juniors are available for <18. Juniors play for a penny!

Refund policy

NOVA Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Burke Lake Park
Fairfax Station, VA   Get Directions

Final Results

Round 1: Burke Lake Park - Main course Feb. 2022 Monthly, 24 holes, par 76
1Elizabeth Bristow9595$15
2Emily Hsieh116116
3Amanda Bolden125125
Round 1: Burke Lake Park - Main course Feb. 2022 Monthly, 24 holes, par 76
1Hayden Mosher7575$45
2Robert Thomas7777$40
3Will Craig7878$35
4Jess Jesus7979$28
4Parker Goodrich7979$28
6Jared Rogalia8080$15
6Marc LaRochelle8080$15
6Ryan Gossett8080$15
9Chris Embert8181
9Frederick Hefer8181
9Mike Ploger8181
12Jeff Carlson8282
13Brandon Tinsley8383
13Glenn M Rife8383
13J.W. Read8383
16Christopher Granito8484
16Freddy Schmidtke8484
16Kyle Gordon8484
16Miles Neilson8484
20Bruce Ploger8585
20Dan Wendell8585
20Ian Stack8585
20Matt Rupert8585
20Ryan Potter8585
25Blake Blando8686
25Brandon Bunch8686
25Tyler Smith8686
25Zack Mayo8686
29Gregory Gardner8787
29Robert Michaud8787
31Steven Kane8888
32Adam Bronstein8989
32Andrew Shands8989
35Christian Kingett9191
35Ryan Elms9191
37Rett Hill9292
37Scott Webb9292
39Tom Rowader9393
40Greg Baker9595
40Matthew Bolden9595
42David Goodenough9696
42Kenneth Durgin9696
44Vincent Nguyen105105
Round 1: Burke Lake Park - Main course Feb. 2022 Monthly, 24 holes, par 76
1Joseph Frazier7373$35
1Luke Morello7373$35
3Max Nash-Howe7474$20
4Dave Steger7777
5Andy Endicott7878
5Jonathan Celio7878
7Jeff Wodatch8080
8Dusty L Walker8181
9Julian Pardo8282
Round 1: Burke Lake Park - Main course Feb. 2022 Monthly, 24 holes, par 76
1Steve Miller7272$15
2Billy Bob Vigil8181$10
3Dave Ploger8787
4Craig Offutt8989
5Michael Harnage113113
Round 1: Burke Lake Park - Main course Feb. 2022 Monthly, 24 holes, par 76
1Bob Stahl7373$33
1Matthew Rivera7373$33
3Austin Whitesell7474$20
3Troy Weber7474$20
5Brandon Vorgang7575$5
5Joey Harrison7575$5
5Kevin Fetta7575$5
8Kevin Clyne7676
8Spencer Hale7676
10Chong Mounce7777
10Ryan Miller7777
12Kevin Carr7878
13Noah Dunst8080
14Mike McKittrick8181
14Robby Kennon8181
14Scott Hughey8181
17Steve Tashjian8282
18Andrew Reich8383
18Colin Beaber8383
18Stephen Kestell8383
21Phil Mills8484
22Chris Britt8686
23Dan Atwood8787
23Scott Leydig8787
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