NOKY Space Race 2023
About this tournament
The Space Race is designed to be a fast-paced, no holds barred, race to the chains. Players pack will be an Eclipse Paradox and Eclipse Envy.
Check-in 5:30 - 7:00pm Tee time 7:00ish
1 round of 24 shortened holes - 5 players per group
2 drives per hole - 1w/each disc from Players Pack
1 point for metal, 3 points for aces!
Check-in 5:30 - 7:00pm Tee time 7:00ish
1 round of 24 shortened holes - 5 players per group
2 drives per hole - 1w/each disc from Players Pack
1 point for metal, 3 points for aces!
Refund policy
Disc 'n Dat is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.