NEO 2017 Frozen Fingers On The Fairway Tour: Stop #4 Painesville
Comments 51 following
About this tournament
Ben Bramwell Sticky February 19, 2017 at 10:03pm
Points are updated. Let me know of any corrections needed. I've also adjusted a few points for ties for first. In the point series if there is a tie for first all people tied get 100 points. A few past tournaments that didn't happen so I've corrected it.
Mickey Anderson Sticky February 19, 2017 at 8:33pm
First I want To thank everyone who showed up to play! Also special thanks to all who brought food, disc for ctps, Thanks to Bill Vaughn, Trevor Murphy, Larry Bright, Bill Flynn, Pat Fortunato, all who helped with scoring! Thanks to Ryan Kimbro and Bill Savage for helping prepare the course! I can only hope you all had a good time! I learned a lot from the experience and it will help things run smoother next time! Congrats to all winners! If anyone knows how to tally the points please let me know ... more
Mickey Anderson Sticky February 17, 2017 at 11:39pm
Thanks to all who registered! We checked up on course today! It will be muddy! I did get some straw and spread it out on tees to hopefully soak up a bit! Should be a beautiful, great day at the Pond! Still could use a little food! I got plates water etc! I was able to get a portalet for the day so we have restroom! Just remember this is for charity and will help to finance projects at other courses. The course is at the back of the park and you can reach it by the park main road! -41.733958, -81.237780
I will be donating 3 ten doll hair gas cards for a ctp on the infamous pond hole!!! See you all in the am!!!!
Mickey Anderson Sticky February 16, 2017 at 2:41pm
We will have a portable potty!
Mickey Anderson Sticky February 15, 2017 at 2:34am
Thanks all who have registered! Glad for you to all see a couple holes NEODGA FFFT money provided and see our first 18 hole course in Lake County! Conditions will still be muddy and we will move tees as needed to provide the best footing. Concrete tees are this years project and will be in by Summer! We do have electrical outlets at the pavilion so if you like wow us with a great potluck dish, chips, pop! We will play 2 18 hole rounds with break in between. We will meet in the back of the park. See you Sat.
Actually Kiwanis Recreation Park looks like better destination then address on this site (33 Mill st) but they both seem to put you right there
as always disc golf course review is money regarding this- 41.733958, -81.237780
Larry Bright Jr. Sticky February 4, 2017 at 5:16pm
Food call!!! I'll be bringing something. Most likely some sloppy joes and buns. We need to get an idea of who's bringing what...
Tim K is bringing pulled pork and I have chips and made Calico beans!
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro February 20, 2017 at 2:31am
Thanks Brillo!
Trevor Murphy February 19, 2017 at 1:42pm
Tons of Fun! Thanks for a great event!! Mickey you did a great job!! Thanks Again and see you soon! the 19th Hole was a great addition ;)
Bill Vaughn February 18, 2017 at 10:44pm
Thanks to everyone who brought food (I left my crock pot on the counter this morning, sorry) and whoever did the pizza run! Thanks to Steven Cain and Alex Colucci and Brad Silvers for helping out Mickey and Sean. Generally thanks to the 54 golfers who came out today to put this new course through the paces and enjoy some beautiful weather golfing with friends. And much gratitude to Mickey Anderson and Sean Barnes and Bill Savage and other donators of time and items! Good job folks!
most prominant of those I forgot- Larry Bright and Trevor Morphy- thanks for everything guys!
Everyone must have really liked the meatballs I brought, by the time I finished my round, they were all gone! I got plenty of pulled pork though.
Brad Silvers February 18, 2017 at 9:53pm
Had a blast. Look forward to playing again in the future.
Sharon Jenkins February 18, 2017 at 10:45am
Sorry can't make it today. Have a great day
Cody Dockrill February 18, 2017 at 2:33am
I cant make it. Sorry, have fun!
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro February 18, 2017 at 12:29am
Ryan "Tex" Kimbro February 18, 2017 at 12:27am
The gnads are pumped.
Anthony B February 18, 2017 at 12:00am
Anthony battle MA2 please. And my email [email redacted]
Tim Harlos February 17, 2017 at 4:39pm
Can you sign me up. This is my first tournament ever so "Rec" class. (Tim Harlos) Is that right?
If you send me your e mail used here I can linkj you to event
Justin Popson February 17, 2017 at 4:35pm
Justin Popson
rec please
[email redacted]
Kristy Moore February 17, 2017 at 3:53pm
Hey I'm not going to be able to make it, sorry.
Rob Panelley February 17, 2017 at 12:21pm
Rob Panelley 57246 Advanced Master
Bruce -Chicken Wing- Shirer February 17, 2017 at 2:50am
Thanks so much!