NADGT National Doubles Championships

PDGA logoSat-Sun, November 2-3, 2024 at Roy G. Guerrero Park in Austin, Texas
Amateur XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned doubles tournament

NADGT National Doubles Championships graphic

About this tournament

This is the first year of the NADGT National Doubles Championships. Bring your own partner for 2 Days and 3 Rounds of good old-fashion Doubles Fun.

Circle C Rounds will be "Betterball" or Four Ball where each player plays their own lie for the entire hole. The lower score between partners is what is used as score on each hole. MA1 will play LONGS. All other divisions will play SHORTS.

East Metro Rounds will be a form of Modified Alternate. Player A Tees off on ALL ODD holes. Player B Tees off on ALL EVEN holes. After tee shot, traditional alternate shot is played. All divisions will play SHORTS.

Roy G Rounds will be "Captain's Choice" or Best Disc. Both Players will throw from lie and it will be the Captain's Choice of which shot is used. Both players will continue this process until the hole is completed. MA1 will play LONGS. All other divisions will play SHORTS

MA1 and FA1 will compete for spots at the 2025 USDGC/Throw Pink Am Doubles.

We'll order the custom polos at the end of registration, so you won't have them at the tournament, but we'll ship them to you at the address you provide.

Refund policy

National Amateur Disc Golf Tour is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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