
NADGT Exclusive - The Trails

PDGA B-tier · Sun, Aug 30, 2020Aug 2020 · Anderson, SC

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chase lemieux hey i went to a and played at this tournament and i was on the wait list and made it in and it said that i would get a disc in the mail and it is 9/25 and i am wondering when it is coming Sep 25, 2020
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Keith Overstreet Oct 6, 2020 There are several others who have not. I'm not sure exactly the problem, but I'll see what can be done.
chase lemieux Oct 6, 2020 ok
chase lemieux Oct 12, 2020 have you found the problem because i stell don't have it yet
Zak Watson Hey Keith. Was hoping to add my pdga number to my registration. If possible, I'm in the rec division...zak Watson...142242.

oh and sorry for all the questions, but did you get a chance to publish the hole assignments for tomorrow?
Aug 30, 2020
Keith Overstreet Aug 30, 2020 Hole assignments are published. Hopefully only minor adjustments, if any tomorrow.
Keith Overstreet Caddy Book and Event Information downloaded on DGS as pictures. The only change to OB is Hole 3. Play as OB surrounded by water and beyond. Drive OB play from drop zone. Other OB play one meter from point where disc went OB. Aug 29, 2020
Keith Overstreet
I emailed the caddy book and event information sheet on Thursday night. I re-emailed it this evening. This information will be available at each tee box tomorrow, and some copies will be available a ... show more ›
Aug 29, 2020
AJ Westbrook Aug 29, 2020 Mine came, but was in the spam folder.. just an fyi..
Cody Garner Very last minute I know, but is there anywhere close to the course I may pitch a tent for the night? Coming in from Charlotte from another NADGT event. Aug 29, 2020
Christopher West Hello I know it’s late but is there a way I can update my registration to show my PDGA number? Aug 27, 2020
Keith Overstreet Aug 27, 2020 Sure. NADGT will process the refund for the $10 fee.
Christopher West Aug 27, 2020 Thank you!
Mik Webber Hello there, I have to drop. If it’s not too late I would love to get a refund. Thank you! Aug 25, 2020
Keith Overstreet Aug 25, 2020 We can process your refund after the tournament. We will follow PDGA rules which are determined based on if the spot fills or not. I'm checking to see if I can give you the players pack.
Gabe Brown Do you know when we should expect this? Aug 19, 2020
Keith Overstreet Aug 19, 2020 Next week. i have a day job. Given my game, I probably shouldn't quit it quite yet....
Sam Howard Aug 27, 2020 Did I miss the emails for the tournament?
Keith Overstreet Aug 27, 2020 Nope. Hopefully will get out tonight.
Keith Overstreet
Folks, Time is closing in on the NADGT Exclusive at the The Trails in Anderson. Please expect some emails coming your way with attachments (Caddy Book, Information Sheet) soon. Due to Covid safe pr ... show more ›
Aug 15, 2020
John Harper First tournament ever, only playing dg for 3+ months now, 51 years old, registered as MA50. After reviewing the PDGA guidelines again and seeing the description of MA40, appears I should be in the Novice division? Aug 15, 2020
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John Harper Aug 19, 2020 Currently unable to edit registration. Please relocate me to Recreational. Or how should I handle, thanks.
Keith Overstreet Aug 19, 2020 John, I can move you to recreational, no problem.
Keith Overstreet Aug 19, 2020 I turned off the make changes option. With potential player pack changes, I didn't want any misunderstandings the day of.
John Harper What are the expected restrictions, if any, for spectators? Caddies? Aug 15, 2020
Keith Overstreet Aug 15, 2020
Given how tight the Trails is and the fact we are full, I'm going to say no to spectators and caddie ... show more ›
Keith Overstreet Aug 15, 2020 Also, with Covid, we would want to limit people that are not playing anyway.
John blaze Question. Right now I have a MA2 rating. If after the next PDGA ratings update, if I then have an advanced rating will i switch over to play advanced or does it go by my rating at time of sign up? Aug 5, 2020
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John blaze Aug 12, 2020 Not a bad thing for sure Haha I'm suppose to play in masters but can't get any points that way
John blaze Aug 12, 2020 Although unfortunately I'm going to have to withdraw from this tournament not going to be able to make it this one
Keith Overstreet Aug 12, 2020 Sorry to hear that. But if you are going to withdraw, do so soon, I've got a waitlist.
Shawn Parker When does registration for this tourney end? Aug 2, 2020
Keith Overstreet Aug 2, 2020
You can sign up till the day of the tournament. But if you want your players pack at the tournament ... show more ›
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